Slavefanger Profession in Olutanri | World Anvil
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(Norwegian) Slave Catcher

A slavefanger is an individual responsible for collecting, transporting, or delivering slaves. Most often these types are in the employ of the Barnema Trade Company but independent local groups and solo contractors do exist.  
Being a slavefanger doesn't mean one is inherently nefarious or brutish. Many within the occupation are as innocuous as a contempory school bus driver. But those are the generally uninteresting characters - they've resigned themselves to a day's work in exchange for their pay. If you think about it, the gold is really the only thing differentiating them from their cargo.   Now, pardonne-moi mettre un grain de sel, you best whip yourself into shape and toughen up if you want to be a REAL slavefanger. The real money and glory is in the hunt. Fugitives, escapees, skifters, it don't matter. There's nothing quite like the stalk, the chase, and the fight.   Just don't forget that the wilderness is no place for the weak. But that's what you got the rest of us for. We'll get you trained up right so you can end your day will a full belly, a jingle in your purse, and a head on your shoulders. Who knows, if you make the cut and show some chops out there, maybe you'll end up being one of the best.  



The "basic" slavefanger simply need to be capable of discipline and long days on the road.   Being a "real" slavefanger require much more grit. Survival skills, a hearty physique, and the ability to fight are musts. Good eyesight and hearing, and the ability to track or move stealthily are also beneficial pre-dispositions.   Individuals who join the Barnema Trade Company (and the occasional independent local group) receive some formal training and indoctrination before they're thrown into the fire.

Career Progression

Career advancement can occur in a variety of ways with the following being the most common:  
  1. Seniority: A general attitude of deferring to those with more experience within the profession establishes the natural peaking order
  2. Death of a Peer:A few slavefanger are bound to die on the job. Infill of the newly vacant position is generally taken by the closest individual with seniority.
  3. Success: Being good at one's job comes with its own reward, who knew? Unless an independent contractor, slavefangers rarely run solo. Success of the individual is strongly correlated to the success of the whole. Weak performers make for weak teams. Screw up and you'll be traded to the minor leagues provided you don't "die bravely fighting a wild beast" or "succumb to exposure".


Social Status

Within Seclora, slavery is a way of life. Unless one opposes inequality (and who would dare), a certain pride in one's craft exists within the profession.   The public may subtlely praise those who help keep the economy going with a positive pre-disposition. Local establishments may attempt to curry favour with higher ranking individuals for "first pick of the litter" or the truth on the health and capability of the product.   Highly successful "real" slavefangers may be local heroes and the aspirations of children.
Raw Materials Gathering
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Author's Notes

Worldbuilding Advent Calendar 2020 - 13 / 31

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