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oblins are one of the orcish peoples, along with orcs and trolls. Since the War of Exiling, they either live nomadically or within caves and ruins. A communal people, anthropologists have named their way of life as "communitarian". There is little to no hierarchy recognised among goblins, although reverence is given to their seers (the equivalent of priests, so named because they must be able to receive and interpret visions). They do not have a system of gender and get very confused by people who do. Instead, the most important characteristic is what role one plays in the clan. This is given when a child comes of age, based on their own individual aptitude, although some are chosen for apprenticeships at a younger age if they prove themselves to be a "shining talent". Goblins consider themselves the most pious peoples of Olrion and they pride themselves on their oral history traditions. No matter what humanoids say, they have a complex social system and a deep appreciation for art and stories, albeit with differences in taste and delivery to other societies.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

  • Prak
  • Hrug
  • Gw'enx
  • Lakrit
  • Oligrik

Family names

Goblin names are comprised of a clan name, instead of a family surname, which is written and said before the given name. Names tend to have hard consonants within them and often sound odd to humanoids. Only one or two syllables is most common. Sometimes names will have an apostrophe half way through. As goblins have no concept of gender, anybody can have any name.


Major language groups and dialects

Only the seers know the Old Goblin Tongue, which was common across all tribes. This was essentially eradicated except for naming customs and a few words when the Common Tongue came into being. It is theorised that before the unified goblin language, however, there were also individual languages for each tribe. These have been lost to time and can only be hypothesised.

Some of the remaining words and phrases from the Old Goblin Tongue are:

  • S'piv brenkal dai: May the gods bless you
  • Vorschuk: Untranslatable, but the nearest equivalent word is "bastard" or "fucker"
  • Wragg: Warning/danger
  • Livik pal: The coast is clear
  • Grendizr'ik: Also untranslatable, but the closest equivalent would be "I love you deeply, with all my heart"

Shared customary codes and values

Goblins are the most pious of all the peoples of Olrion (or so they claim). As such, there is much value placed on reverence for the gods and being educated in mythology (which is typically passed down orally).

All who are able are taught how to fight because of the history of persecution. This means that martial aptitude is also heralded as a key value of the goblins, and someone who is proficient with a blade or other weapon are held in high esteem.

Common Etiquette rules

Goblin etiquette varies between what humanoids would consider hyper-formal and overly casual, dependent on the situation. Customs include:
  • Dropping to one's knees and bowing to greet priests, who are called "seers" because they are chosen for their ability to receive and interpret visions
  • Clasping the shoulders and smiling broadly when greeting those they are familiar with (while other peoples sometimes do this, this is the only way goblins greet each other)
  • Offering a portion of one's meal and drink to the gods before eating
  • Eating with the right hand (as the left is reserved for anything that is unclean)
  • Exceptional attention to using "please" and "thank you", something they got from humanoids but carry out with even more zeal than those it originates with

Common Dress code

Goblins do not have the same views on nudity that humanoids do. Breasts are not sexualised and genitals are considered to be "something everyone has", so there are few prohibitions on walking around naked except for those who wear uniforms (see below). While goblins will usually wear clothes, having picked up this habit from humanoids, during the summer they may thus forego them entirely.

Goblin fashion can be extravagant but also prioritises utility. Popular materials are cotton (as it is breathable), wool and furs (for warmth), and leather (because of its protective capacities and long-life span). Most of their fashion is based in some way on armour. This is because of the historical and continued persecution of the orcish. Goblins feel they must be prepared to defend themselves at all times—as pogroms and mob violence are, sadly, still a semi-regular occurrence.

The only profession with specific specifications on uniform is the seers, priests of the goblins. All of their armour is crafted from black leather, and their top-half coverings consist of two straps crossing over one another in an "X" shape, so that the breast/nipple area is covered. They may wear any style of bottom-half covering so long as it, too, is black leather. They wear a red sash around the waist tied into a bow on the left-hand side, and a cloak made out of a trimmed animal skin, so that the hood is made out of the taxidermied head. Customs for this vary from clan to clan, but wolves are the most popular due in part to how many there are in Olrion.

Art & Architecture

Goblins now live nomadically, in caves, or in old ruins. That said, they decorate avidly. Art is expressive and frequently abstract, and vibrant colours are very popular. In terms of their constructions, most building are huts which are round domes made out of wooden frame with leather coverings.

Foods & Cuisine

Goblins will eat anything edible because, frankly, "beggars can't be choosers" (as the old saying goes).

Rats have become a delicacy, however, partly because they have no choice but to kill the things lest they overrun settlements and it would be a waste of meat to not eat them. Tails are cut off and deep-fried in a similar manner to humanoid fries. This is in keeping with the custom to use as many pieces of a carcass as possible. Offal, then, is also considered a delicacy, with hearts being the most "esteemed" part of the kill.

Goblins are also keen foragers and the popularity of certain foods will vary based on location. In the centre of Olrion, for example, dandelions are highly prized as all elements of the plant can be turned into food.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Goblins observe the cycles of the two moons and each tribe will have different celebrations based on their movements through the sky. It is common practice to begin and end each day with prayer. Friday evenings are used for sacrifice, feasting upon the remaining foodstuffs (as only a portion is given to the gods), and educating the children in oral history.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals aren't as important to goblins and other orcish as compared to humanoid and wyrm society. However, there are some traits that are considered more beautiful than others. Remember, these apply to all goblins as they do not recognize gender. These attractive traits are:
  • Being short
  • Muscular frames with pronounced shoulders
  • A lack of tusks
  • Big, long ears with a sharp point
  • A short nose
  • Long, clawlike fingernails (which are carefully and routinely cut and filed)
  • Sharply pointed teeth (some goblins will file their teeth to achieve this shape)
When it comes to body modification, the following are popular and considered beautiful by goblins:
  • Black nails
  • Red warpaint comprised of lines and harsh angles artfully painted across the face
  • Geometric and dotwork tattoos
  • Lip, nose, and ear piercings, which can sometimes be stretched with wooden plugs (or gemstones, if the claim can obtain them)

Gender Ideals

Goblins have no understanding of gender, as all orc types do not recognise any differences based on what other peoples call "sex characteristics." Goblins are much more likely to judge each other based on their role within the tribe, which is assigned based on aptitude, and what magic they can perform.

Courtship Ideals

Goblins are prolific gift-givers to those they love and it is well-established that the best way to court someone is to give them presents. While they cannot afford expensive trinkets, they may exchange beautiful objects they have found whilst travelling, hunting, foraging (or other activities that take them away from their residences). These might be pretty rocks, pressed flowers, useful herbs, or the best berries of the day.

Relationship Ideals

Goblins do not conform to monogamist standards. As parentage is unimportant as all young is raised communally, and goblin womb-bearers (as they are called) can be impregnated by multiple seed-bearers (also their term) at once, monogamy is unimportant and, indeed, considered odd if anyone practices this. As such, marriage does not exist among goblins. While they do form relationships with one another of differing levels of commitment, such as moving into the same hut, there is no legal or religious ceremony that cements this. There is also no hierarchy based on the number of partners one has, unlike orcs, for whom this becomes a competition.

Major organizations


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