Dryad Species in Olrion | World Anvil
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ryads were immortal creations of the nature god Filuraine, made to be custodians of the woodlands that the god created. Fortunately enough, the forests and jungles of Olrion are beautiful places, and the dryads delighted in caring for them. Even though few would admit it, many techniques in herbalism and caring for plants were learned by the other peoples from the dryads, who were most gracious with sharing knowledge and resources.

Unfortunately, it was this caring and sharing nature that was the downfall of the dryads. When it was discovered that their tears had healing properties, they gave them quite openly during trade and bartering for the protection of their forests from unsustainable logging practices. Unfortunately, the other peoples of Olrion quickly began to covet the tears so much that demand could not be met the typical way. To circumvent this, dryads were captured en masse and tortured for the liquid. Eventually, in one last stand of resistance, they began to stop crying, at which point they were quickly killed and disposed of. The genocide was complete by the third eon.

Rumour has it that there is one dryad still alive, in the jungle to the north east called Dryadiskä (after the legend). She is apparently responsible for its unusually large predators and almost defensive vegetation, and the old ladies in the settlements surrounding the area say that one day she will avenge her lost kin.

Basic Information


Dryads were bipedal and humanoid in form. Their skin could range across the full spectrum of the colour green and all had black hair. Their eyes were completely black, including the sclera. With no need to reproduce due to their immortality (see below), dryads appear to be mono-sexed as what humanoids would call females.

Genetics and Reproduction

No one can know for sure what Filuraine's reason was for not building reproduction into the Dryads when the god created them. Some say it is because they had no need for it, given their immortality. Others say the god was simply careless and forgot to do so.

Growth Rate & Stages

As well as being immortal, Dryads never aged. All had the appearance of a young woman (in her mid-20s, by human standards).

Ecology and Habitats

Dryads were custodians of all of Olrion's woodlands. This saw them create flourishing societies in all types of forest, from evergreens to jungles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dryads would ask permission before taking the life of anything to be eaten, including plants and fungi. They would then speak a pray over the food before consuming it.


Gregarious and caring by nature or nurture, Dryads were simple folk who delighted in simple pleasures. They were very emotional, experiencing both the highs and lows of life more strongly than others, and would cry frequently—something that would get them into trouble later on. Because of this heightened emotionality, they loved deeply and fearlessly.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Notable was their entirely black eyes, including the sclera

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Across Olrion, but limited to woodland

Average Intelligence

As sentient as all other peoples of the continent (indeed, perhaps even more intelligent in the ways of understanding plants, fungi and animals, given their millenia of experience)

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dryads were known for their excellent command over magic involving the element of earth. This includes the ability to create plant life where there was none before. They also tended to have strong healing capabilities. Dryads could also usually talk with animals, plants and fungi.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Dryads had no sense of gender, considering they all had the same sorts of bodies with no difference in sex characteristics. They allowed other peoples to call them women because they didn't really care either way about this designation, but they had no word of their own for this.

Relationship Ideals

Dryads would marry for various lengths of time, set out as a spoken contract in the vows. After this point, they would choose whether or not to renew them. However, divorce was aloud should the relationship irreparably break down.

Common Dress Code

Dryads walked around naked in their own company (if you've all got the same body, then it doesn't really matter either way if it's on show). However, they would dress in short tunic made of hessian when dealing with the other peoples because they quickly learned that nudity went against their more puritanical sensibilities.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dryads were mostly egalitarian, although they did have a few esteemed positions, such as the Most Prescient (their title for the priesthood, who was also in charge of divination) and their forest's leader. This position, however, was elected every 50 years, which may sound like a lot but was a short space of time for them given their immortality.

While they were gregarious and traded frequently with outsiders, they rarely left their forests to do so, and much preferred the company of other dryads, for the experience of being immortal made them feel quite different to the other peoples of Olrion. It was rare for a dryad to wish to leave their society and embark on a different life.

Because of their kind nature, dryads were not particularly prepared from a marshal standpoint. While they had to occasionally fend off men who would traipse into the woodland looking to capture themselves a "wife", this was about as close to combat as they got. It left them woefully underprepared for when the other peoples began to kidnap them.

Common Taboos

It was a huge no-no among dryadkind to disparage their creator, Filuraine. It was also frowned down upon to eat food in which the components were not asked their permission to be harvested.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The dryads found the other species odd. They didn't seem as egalitarian or generous. Often they would say the right words and give the right smiles but it wouldn't meet their eyes or sound truly sincere. Still, trade was conducted, as was diplomatic efforts to encourage sustainable logging of the forests and jungles in which they lived.

Average Height
5 foot 8
Average Weight
9 stone 4 ounces
Average Physique
Slim yet toned
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All shades of green, with black hair


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