Venrzain Character in Ollaras | World Anvil


Goddess of Trickery and Theft. Patron of thieves, very playful. Patron of Halflings, Goblins, Kenku and Dragonlings. Is connected with Huytaz. Also the goddess of poor, refugees, and others who are down on their luck. Both honest beggers and crooked gamblers call on Venrzain. Luck is also part of why people revere her. Con artists are considered tricky thieves in her eyes.
Contrarty to the belief of some she does not encourage the poor and often overlooked to steal but for those who steal and con to protect the poor and share with them when possible. Greed is fine but creating poor is bad. She looks down on those who steal from all from a person hence why she does not like murderers. It is fine to protect your life with deadly force but not to attack someone for what is theirs and kill them.
Alongside Huytaz she does not take part in the wars between the demons and devils.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A coin with a rat on it

Tenets of Faith

Greed, lying, playing pranks are fine but outright killing to obtain money or power are wrong. She also does not condon slavery.
Divine Classification
Current Location


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