Mountain Dragon Species in Ollaras | World Anvil

Mountain Dragon

Often lives in flock like-groups.
Mixed relationships with other races but shape shifting is common among their abilities.
Black is the most common color of their scales.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Fire breath and fire resistant.

Ecology and Habitats

As the name implies these kind of dragons like mountains. That being said they are unlikely to be found on either snow covreed or volcanic mountains, enjoying temperate and tropical levels with no extra fire instead.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omivore with an emphasis on pack hunting.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mountain Dragons live in flocks that live on and in caves of a mountain. They tend to follow the lead of an ancient, typically the ancestor of those under them. Outsiders come in for a while and nest with established members but will leave after a hatching, though not always. Sometimes, a female decided to start her own flock, will mate with an established flock and fly off before nesting to have her eggs to herself.

Average Intelligence

While some perfer to live simply in a flock and don't mind being considered a beast, others master their shape shifting and even take on other forms of flocks, like bandit groups, armies, or even small cities.


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