Argenium Organization in Ollaras | World Anvil


Often called the Argenium Imperium this country is fairly insular and hostile to outsiders. A slave state with Hobgoblins at the top, other goblin types under them and other races under that for the most part. Hobgoblin slaves are rare and far between but goblin slaves are common and bugbears can go either way. Rigid military with a rigid code of conduct with allergence to the state. Stepping out of line can get your family killed and your property either destroyed (including slaves) or sold off.
The north and east of the country has the majority of mobilized military to protect their main borders with some troops stationed to the west. The southern border is mostly protected by the Felderbart Mountains and has the majority of non hobgoblin citizens and free folk. The south contains most of the farms and mines with the middle holding the power bases and industry.

Demography and Population

Hobgoblins, goblins, bugbear, humans, dwarves, kobolds


Hobgoblins hold all the power in the military but they have individual units made up of bugbears alone.

Foreign Relations

As an authoritive issolationist nation they have poor relations with their neighboros.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Argenium Imperium
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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