Technika Settlement in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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A quint moderately sized town of tall metal homesteads, awe-inspiring workshops, and a predominantly gnomish populace. a tram runs across the centrepoint of town, and many other technological marvels are littered around Technika's infrastructure. Crime is very low here, due to the incredibly powerful and prescice automatic security-that guns down any ne'er-do-well in an instant.


Mostly gnomes of the working to upper middle class; with a couple of high class craftsman. They tend towards engineering and robotics.


They run under a regoinal government, with their seat on the council being the engineers guild master


The town possess no walls, but has a task force of security warforged to serve as peacekeepers. there are also automatic turrets hidde in most of the buildings.

Industry & Trade

The town is a big trade point in the kingdom, being the only source of advaned technologies for many hundred miles.


The town is full of forges, workshops and factories, with several tall towers and tram rails.


Technika is very affluent as a whole, bosting expensive engineering and diagostic equipment. alongside this isa plethora of valueable materials and gemstones (used to make power cores).

Guilds and Factions

The engineers guild is particularly important here, being the main trianer of the youth, and innvators of new tech. there is alsoa small hunters guild here, but it is not very popular nowadays


It was built orginally as a small village centred around the Vendekarr Forest, a location renowned for its game. However; after the Great Cataclysm the forest became too dangerous for the average person to explore. In a bizzare twist of fate, the gnome hunters were developing new arms to safely explore with; and wound up advancing far beyond the surrounding settlements. and thus this tradition continued until its evolution lead to the skyward town it is today.


Climbing towers of metal, pipes and formed sturdy glass. steam vents and visible cogs of significant size. technology grows here like vines in a jungle. many statues made in bronze also serve as automated enchanted security alarms. the Guildtower dominates the centre of town, spraling up roughly 15 stories of intricate metal artistry and inbuilt mechanical defenses.


The terrain of the town and most of the surrounding areas is a somewhat hilly plain, perfect for building a settlement of its type- flatish and uniform.

Natural Resources

There are an abundance of vegetable fields surrounding the town, the crops used both for food, and artificial oil and biofuel to power their creations.
Inhabitant Demonym
Related Professions

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