Spellcrafters tools Item in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Spellcrafters tools

A set of tools used to make and use Spellcrafting cards. This set includes basic calligraphy ools to write cards, candles to conduct rituals to imbue cards, and chalk to draw rituals.  For using the cards it contains a small wooden beam;with pegs to slot cards into to 'activate them', and a connected pouch to put cards into the 'graveyard' or 'banished' zone.


The main tool used in Spellcrafting
Rules on using Spellcrafting Cards:
  refer to the official yugioh rulebook for how monsters and cards can be used.
after the conclusion of combat, any cards that have been used crumble into dust, regardless of where they are.
Item type
Base Price

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