Pochoss Ravine Geographic Location in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Pochoss Ravine

A large ravine That Seperates the east and West sides of the province of Cordemio. The walls of this crevice are lines with iron and coal; but the harsh winds and crumbling stone all but prevent the mining of the area's resources. The small caves are however a haven for bandits. Most will never notice this, as the stone bridges remove the need to ever venture down into the Ravine. The bottom does also have a nice tavern called the Blue Dragon Inn.


The surrounding area borders on the Wyrmgrave desert, and thus the main bulk of this area is a dry stony verge. Down in the deepest parts grow some mushrooms (In the small caves). There are small resevoirs in the underground sections, coupled with an underground river.

Fauna & Flora

Goblins, Moles, Rock golems, and similar creatures dwell in both the ravine proper, and within the ajoining caves.

Natural Resources

Iron, Coal, Limestone, Stone, Sandstone.
Alternative Name(s)
The orange valley
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