Mobile Sprout Species in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Mobile Sprout

From earthbound, from nintendo/hal laboratories.
Weird, strange, bizzare, odd; all these and more are terms attributed to the lesser-spotted walking sprout, an unusual species of corrupted fauna that quite likes to wander aimlessly about. woe betide the hunter that crosses paths with one, mind you- as they are more than capable of proliferating and sucking away your magic power with worrisome speed. Just pluck these weeds with quick physical attacks and you should be fine.

'Everybody is a gangster 'til the sprouts start walking' ~Urban proverb

Basic Information


Literal green sproutlings of a plant; they have two small leaves that comprise the 'body'; and the stalk has become a set of oval-footed legs. It's best not to think about what happened to the roots...

Genetics and Reproduction

They produce and sow their own seeds. however most seeds do not grow properly-if at all.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes roughly 6 seconds to grow a new mobile sprout

Ecology and Habitats

They are generally found in forests or plains; and occasionally tunnels/cave. However; they being quite weak, they only thrive in areas where only similarly strong creatures dwell.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on psionic and magical energy

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

unknown. not believed to be particularly intelligent, but their ability to cast psionic powers does put this belief into contention

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Blindsight 60ft (psionic)
Tiny Plant; unaligned
AC: 10, Mov: 35, HP: 15 (3D10)
STR: 6, DEX: 16, CON: 10, INT: 3, WIS: 14, CHR: 6
CR: 1/4 (50xp)

Resistances: Nature, earth, radient, psychic, bludgeoning 
Weaknesses: Fire,wind, cold, slashing, necrotic 
Immune to poison and the poisoned status effect
Mobile opponent: This creature may use its bonus action to dash or disengage
Spellcasting: this creature uses wisdom as its spellcasting modifier.
Psionic: The mobile sprout uses a pool of psychic points to cast spells. 1 point is expended per level of the spell. They Have a starting pool of 2 psychic points, which restores on a long rest. Abilities can cause the creature to have points over thier standard number.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually forest or mint green
Geographic Distribution
Sow some seeds ( 1 action): Mobile sprout rolls 1D6- on a 6; a mobile sprout is 'summoned' at an adjacent square, or on the nearest square if this condition cannot be met.
PSI Magnet α (cantrip): (ranged spell 30ft, single targer-1 action) Target must make an intelligence saving throw of DC12 or lose either a spell slot of the lowest spell they have, or lose 2 psychic points; and then the sprout gains 2 psychic points.
PSI Lifeup α (level 2 spell): (bonus action, touch, single target) The target gains 2D4+2 health points
Kick: (melee attack, 5ft reach, single target +3 to hit) 1D4+3 Bludgeoning damage.
Medicinal Herb (30%), Lavender  (20%), Twisted spoon (3%)

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