Cystbearer Species in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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From Magic the Gathering: Scars of Mirrodin
'Phyrexia Strives to Simulate natural life, But it can't resist improving on the design.'
Covered in green pustules and drooling Phyrexian oil, these creeps not only carry Phyresis -they spread it like wildfire. Their sharp bite is an infectious one, and fighters beware! Attacking these in the wrong way may result in a burst cyst or three. These grey Quadrapeds do not fear death, or anything for that matter.

Basic Information


Quadrapedal beasts that look somehwat similar to sharks. The sides of their head are covered in white bone spikes, and their back is littered with toxic green cysts-hence the name.

Biological Traits

The males have longer and larger head spikes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Akin to mammals-live young, Takes roughly 7 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Perhaps due to the phyresis; Young Cystbearers grow and mature rapidly, in order to optimally spread the virus.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer forested areas with lots of fauna to hide in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Observers have found them to be carnivores, feeding on rodents and small birds.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are a very solitary and territorial species.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Like elephants, their horns are a good source of Ivory

Facial characteristics

two rows of razor sharp, sharklike teeth. like sharks they can also regrow their teeth constantly.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Thankfully only spotted in Paradox Dungeons, and do not roam from these zones.

Average Intelligence

Low. They act only on pure instinct, and cannot understand any form of communication

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Phyrexian Beast, unaligned AC: 12, Mov: 30, HP: 25
STR: 15, DEX: 10, CON: 10, INT: 2, WIS 8, CHR: 1
CR 2 (400xp)
Immune to poison, and the poisoned status effect.
Phyrexian body: When hit by the first attack each round, it becomes resistant to that damage type until the end of the round.
Explosive cysts: When hit by a piercing or slashing attack, roll a d6. on a 1, the cyst explodes. All creatures in melee range must makle a dexterity saving throw or take1D4 poison damage, with a 15% chance of contracting Phyresis
Scientific Name
Corporis Diffusum Fabry armiger
5 years-after this point they usually die to Phyresis or mutate
Average Height
2Ft 9In
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Average for thier size, though their jaws are incredibly stong and able to lock.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue-ish grey
Attacks Bite- melee attack 5ft range +6 to hit: 1D8 piercing (25% chance to contract Phyresis)
Loot: Phyrexian oil (requires a non organic non metallic container) (75%), magic beast horn (30%), Magic beast hide (15%)

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