Phyresis Condition in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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From magic the gathering: Mirrodin Besieged
otherwise known as the Viral oil; Phyrisis is a viral disease transmitted by the Glistening oil of New Phyrexia and it's inhabitants-many of whom have been dimensionally displaced into Old Zenithas. Phyresis is a terrifying disease that affects all creatures and even inorganic beings; such as golems and robots. The disease corrupts minds and turns flesh into metal, and vice versa. The final stage is known as 'Compleation', where the afflicted becomes an optimal being based on paramaters of its psyche and physiology.

Transmission & Vectors

It is usually transmitted through the highly infectious Phyrexian oil, native to New Phyrexia but also oozing from all afflicted with Phyresis at any stages


The affected entity gradually becomes more mechanical, with any currently mechanical beings becoming more organic.


It must be treated early on by greater restoration, wish, or by drawing out all the phyreixan oil from the patient with careful surgery.


Stage one: minor transmutaion changes (-1 CHR) lasts 3 weeks
Stage 2: moderate transmutation changes (+1 to highest non-charisma stat, -3 Charisma) lasts 2 weeks
Stage 3: significant alteration, partial madness (if good aligned, become neutral, if neutral, become evil) (+2 to highest 2 non-charisma,non constitution stats, -3 Charisma -2 Constitution), Lasts 1 month
Stage 4: Constitution save: one a 10 or lower the afflicted dies, on a 11 or higher afflicted becomes a 'phyrexian' Creature whose challenge rating is equal to their level or previous challenge rating.

Affected Groups

Can affect most organic and inorganic beings, with the exception of Heartless , elementals, and other beings whose form is not comprised of solid non-elemental matter (non elemental meaning elemenatal earth,water,fire,air,ect)


Avoid contact with Phyrexian oil or beings affected by the disease.


It is contagious and can decimate a population dramatically. On another plane it was the cause of an apocalypse scenario.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species

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