Vishnu, Eyes of Manipulation Spell in Old Canon | World Anvil

Vishnu, Eyes of Manipulation

The power to manipulate energy

Created & Written By Khali A. Crawford | Energy Man. Article found on Superpower Wiki


Vishnu allows the User to process and manipulate their own Magical Energy down to the molecular level within their own body. This can, primarily, be used to ensure not even an ounce of Magical Energy goes to waste when performing Magecraft, as is often the case with other Mages. Vishnu can also more easily facilitate Transmutation, as one can perfectly make use of all energy to turn Magical Energy into another substance. With more skill and experience, Vishnu can be used to the same effect in the bodies of targeted individuals with varying levels of success. 
The higher-level abilities of Vishnu enable Users to manipulate any form of energy, regardless of its location in relation to their body. This can grant them power of elements or energies that they normally should not be able to manipulate, like the Lights of Ichobar or Holy Fire.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Energy Immunity/Energy Absorption
  • Anti-Energy Manipulation destroys all forms of energy.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user and their power's natural limits.
  • May be unable to create energy, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
  • May be limited by the amount of energy a person can hold in themselves.
  • Extensive use of powers over a long period of time could deplete one's energy reserves.
  • May be limited on the amount of energy or the type of energy.


Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Related Organizations
Applied Restriction
  • Vishnu cannot be used to violate the laws of energy conversion, it cannot be used to create or destroy energy, only transfer it

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

Avatar of Vishnu

Users of this ability can summon the Avatar of Vishnu, the physical embodiment of the user's own Magical Energy. The appearance can vary from User to User, but Vishnu generally appears as a massive Four-armed masculine being downed in armor and jewelry. Vishnu is not counted amongst the strongest or toughest Avatars but it holds a record for stamina, having the ability to naturally and passively extend its users summon by drawing in small amounts of magical energy from the Universe around itself. Users of Vishnu can usually have it summoned for far greater periods of time than other Avatars.