Lucifer Character in Old Canon | World Anvil


Emperor of Pride (a.k.a. The Fallen Betrayer)

Divine Domains

  • Pride
  • Honor

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Lucifer betrayed the legions of Heaven because he envisioned a Universe where Oni and Angels are not bound by Fate and Destiny but free to make their own paths in life, this was his grand goal. His loyalty to The One Who Must Not Be Named is questionable as Lucifer only sees it as a means to an end, his end, and if The One Who Must Not Be Named's goals no longer align with his, he will move onward on a new path.

Physical Description

Body Features

Lucifer's true form is that of a righty Seraphim, the highest Choir of Angels, second only to the Archangels. They were charged with guarding the Throne of the Almighty and to sing his praise, of them, Lucifer was the greatest. In his true form, Lucifer has six majestic wings, with his eyes appearing to be on fire. He has the face of a lion and a burning halo above his head. 

Special abilities

  • Divine Light is a favorite of Lucifers, where he summons Light similar to that of God Almighty's, powerful enough to mortally wound Greater Oni with ease.
  • Holy Flames is the second favorite of Lucifer, turning his Light into pure holy flames which can scorch anything in existence.
  • Lucifer is of Divine Nature and draws his power directly from the Light, giving him a nigh-endless supply of energy and power.

Lucifer's go-to offensive attacks are Divine Light & Holy Fire, powers that are extremely rare even among the Archangels and fewer still can possess both. Most Morals die upon coming into contact with these abilities and even Greater beings have trouble dealing with such power.   Unlike most Angels, Lucifer has long since overcome his vitality to the Black Arcane Blade, but can still be wounded by it in the hands of capable swordsmen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lucifer was born as Samuel and was the twin brother to the Archangel Michael, the favored son of God Almighty. Samuel and Michael were very close but ultimately Samuel did not agree with a number of the Almighty's decisions and urged his brother to do the same. However, Michael remained blindly loyal to his father, driving a wedge between the two of them until they could no longer call each other brother.    During the first war between Yomi & Nirvana, the Archangels were dispatched to deal with the Oni who rose from Darkness, it was during this battle that Samuel berayed his brothers, allowing himself to be overtaken by the hordes. Samuel fabricated his death and from his own death arose as Lucifer, the great betrayer.


Social Aptitude

Unlike most Dukes, Lucifer is extremely social and charismatic, often engaging in conversations with other Oni or even beings outside of Yomi, so long as he doesn't leave the realm itself. He is arrogant and prideful, speaking in a high but confident tone, rarely giving others a chance to object o correct him.

Hobbies & Pets

Lucifer has a vast library located in his palace in Yomi, widely considered one of the greatest reoviruses of information in existence. Books, Tomes, Scrolls, letters, notes, any and all can be found on his old shelves. His collection spans are as wide as an entire castle complex and yet he has read each and every single one of them, some twice over. He is often willing to trade favors or information for new additions to his collection, rarely ever letting one leave his possession.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Divine Classification
Seraphim -- Angel
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Adversary
  • The Serpent
  • The Dark Angel
  • Morningstar
  • Light Bringer
  • Old Scratch
Too Old To Care

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS