Lance Skyheart Character in Old Canon | World Anvil

Lance Skyheart

Quick-Shot Lance

Adopting parent of Hayden Fives

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lance Skyheart was a lad with no people, born to a nameless mother onboard a star-ship headed for nowhere, he literally came from nowhere. He ended up Shakar, a planet under the rule of the Future War Empire , and was inducted into an orphanage. Lance hated the orphanage and the religious dogma of the Empire, but he had very little choice in the matter.    When he was older, Lance joined the Eternal Sentinels of the Empire and became a part of the Honor Guard, the Sentinels who fight on the outer lines. During his time in the Sentinels, Lance served as a Star-Fighter Pilot and earned the nickname "Skyheart" for his love and skill of the task, which eventually became recognized as his surname. Despite his fame in the Corps, Lance still hated the Empire and disagreed with almost everything they did.    On an expedition to the ice world of Toj, Lance took his chance to desert from the Empire, faking his death in an ice storm. Free of the Empire, Lance began a new life in the Galaxy as a smuggler and pirate and picked up the art of Gunslinging from a crazy old hermit on the world Tast. As Lance's adventures became larger and more grand, word of his betrayal reached the Empire and many Bounty Hunters were sent to collect his head, none succeeded. His claim to fame was his quick-draw, none were faster than him, and he sent many men straight to hell with it.   In his later years, Lance was a cold old man by himself with all of his fame and status, until he happened upon a young lad on board a space station, homeless and afraid. The boy was Hayden, a refugee from a world conquered by the Bizzarians. Lance took the kid with him under his wing, if nothing else, he would make for a good servant, but in time he came to see Hayden as his own son, they both came from noting now.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford



Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS