Kal'Dur Roz Character in Old Canon | World Anvil

Kal'Dur Roz (Cal-Dur)

"Everyone sees the Beast, but it's nice to be seen as a Man."

Created by Crawford, Khali

The Black-Eyed Beast (a.k.a. Kal)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Kal'Dur has two noticeable antennae extending from the top of his forehead and hang over his face.

Special abilities

Let The Beast Out

Kal'Dur's people possess a unique ability that allows them to mutate their bodies on command into different beat-life monster forms that can grant them immense strength and speed. Normally they remain in full control once in these forms but because of Kal'Dur's upbringing, his Beast from his own personality and considers it to be a separate person.
  • Form I HAWK -- Kal'Dur's reduces his own bone density and structure to resemble that of an avian species and sprouts feathers under his arms, becoming a giant bird roughly five times the size of his Form 0. 
  • Form II RIPJAW -- Kal'Dur becomes able to breathe and move underwater as he would on land, his fingers and toes become webbed, his antenna glow at the tip, and gills and fins grow across his body.
  • Form III The B E A S T -- Kal'Dur's strongest Form is the Beast, one where his body drastically increases its composition and easily puts him above 12 ft. tall. Although his strength is unknown, the longer he remains in this form the harder it is for him to hold onto his own sanity.
With his antenna, Kal'Dur is a low-level telepath, able to communicate with people without talking and read their minds.    

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kal'Dur was born into a life of tragedy and bloodshed, his mother, Tul'Dir Roz, was a gladiator in the Arena of Slaves on planet Kafa'ar. After giving birth to her son, she soon passed away and the burden of clearing his mother's debt now fell to him, a debt of 70 Million GEMS. Kal'Dur fought in the Arena for the first 15 years of his life, working his way up the ladder of fighters, without Majik, on power alone.    In time Kal'Dur cracked his escape plan and fled from the Arena, upsetting the Game Master who had just lost her best entertainment. She had the Commonwealth put out a bounty on his head, only alive for she could still salvage his body. For a few years, he traveled across the Universe, just getting by but keeping his head low to avoid Slave Hunters. At every turn, he was meant with deceit and betrayal.


Kal'Dur taught himself how to fight, he had to, when he was only 12 years old he was thrown into a gladiatorial pit and would have died had he not learned to overcome his own weakness. His people were unable to develop the gene for Majik and thus he needed to rely solely on his physical abilities and his own fighting spirit. 


While on the run from the USC and Slave Hunters, Kal'Dur took up a number of odd jobs, farmer, Cargo Ship Hand, and even became a Bounty Hunter himself at one point in his life. However, this all changed once he had a fated run-in with King's Gambit, a guild of Iron Knights led by Loholt Pendragon who aided Kal'Dur in defeating Slave Hunters. Kal'Dur would later join the guild finding a strong connection with his newfound Captain.

Mental Trauma

Kal'Dur grew up in the Arena of Slaves, which as you can guess, is no place for a child, or anyone really. In the arena he learned one vital lesson; It's Kill or be Killed. Even when not in the Arena, the other Gladiators would kill the weaker ones to steal their rations or to just eliminate the competition. They were more like battle-starving beasts than people and were treated as such.    For a long while, after Kal'Dur escaped, he kept this mentality, selfishly hoarding what little food he got, he never slept around other people and was extremely violent, killing any and everyone who posed any threat to him. But in time, with being around normal people, he learned how to be an actual person. He spent a lot of time alone, letting the barbaric shell he built up over the last 15 years melt away and find who he truly was, to find out what role he wanted to play in this Universe.   Because of this, Kal'Dur can fall back into a barbaric rage sometimes in battle, and he constantly struggles to keep hold of his mind, to not lose himself to the urge and become the beast once more.

Personality Characteristics


Kal'Dur wants to live his life as Kal'Dur Roz and not some mindless monster that only knows how to kill and destroy, he wants to create and help people. He is driven by his selfish desire to be himself, and not what others make of him. 

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kafa'ar is his team's chef, he prepares their meals and makes sure everyone has enough to eat. He loves preparing food for his friends and puts his best into every dish he makes.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Purple Menace
  • The Beast of Death
Arena of Slaves, planet Kafa'ar
He/ Him
Full Black Pupil & Iris
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth Purple Skin
155 Lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Well, she's a witch, so..."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Kal'Dur speaks a few limited tongues, mainly just whatever most other Gladitiors spoke in the arena. He had no formal teacher and instead just picked up whatever he could from listening around himself. As a result he speaks a broken tongue which mixes together many different tongues.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS