Republic of Thacis Organization in [OLD] A New Age | World Anvil

Republic of Thacis

Written by IcealisKingIce

Waves washed up against the shore was all that could be heard as makeshift vessels, able to carry no more than 30 people. Almost a thousand of these little ships had left from the East, crammed with refugees, but only about a hundred made it to these gentle beaches. It seemed almost like a dream, arriving to such a peaceful place after experiencing the sheer terror of the sea.
Many dropped to their knees, crying tears of joy, relief, and sadness. A few only stood, staring at the horizon behind them, hands over their hearts for their lost loved ones and friends. Even fewer still walked forward unto the inner beach, staring at the horizon, but not behind them, reminding themselves and recalling the past. But in front of them, towards the future, realizing that at last they were a free people, bound by no oaths of fealty or servitude. They were free, and they would make the most out of it.
-a common tale told to the children of Thacis



Thacis is divided into a provincial system, with each currently established settlement being a province in the Republic. The number of provinces, thus, corresponds to the number of settlements.

Elections and Representatives

Each Province elects one Senator, a man from the common people, and one Councilor, an aristocrat selected between and among the wealthy of the province. The Senator represents the common people, while the Councilor represents the aristocrats.
The Senators meet in the Senate, while the Councilors meet in the Council. Amongst them, they each vote on a Head Senator and a Head Chancellor. All meet in what is known as the Assembly, where the government, affairs, and all matters of the Republic are handled.

Public Agenda

Protection, care, and the promotion of livelihood and happiness of Thacis and her people.


Iron, stone walls, roads, theaters, stone, wood, army, navy, agriculture produce, swords, spears, shields, bows, armor.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Republic, Thacis, Narvallen


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