PTD19-M3 Geographic Location in Olaxis Galaxy | World Anvil


Planetoid with various symbiotic lifeforms. There is no individual life form, but varieties of symbiotes. The surface is constantly changing as the lifeforms meet each other and recombine.


Mostly a water planetoid with 2 large land masses (separated by a divergent boundary) and a 3rd smaller landmass. The smaller landmass is connected by a land bridge. The surface is actually fairly flat as most of the mountainous regions are under a deep ocean.   One one of the large land masses are two large lakes.


The entire surface of the planet not covered by water is covered by symbiotic lifeforms. As the forms grow and encounter others, therefore, the surfaces constantly but slowly shift.  
The deep ocean contains gigantic octopoid like creatures. They scrape the surfaces for food. It generally takes a "year" for the scars to heal.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Octopoids move with the yearly cycle of the planet, prefering warm water.

Localized Phenomena

One of the lakes has a plasma well beneath it. The life forms have merged with the plasma. They are tiny creatures.

Natural Resources

Location under
Inhabiting Species


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