Slimes Species in Ohimyu | World Anvil
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Slimes are amorphous bundles of coordinating cells which are aggregated together to search for food. Slimes come in two broad categories. Green slimes are photosynthetic and only aggregate and move when attacked or seeking nutrients. Black slimes are omnivores, always aggregated and constantly searching for animals and plants to consume. They will ingest and digest anything smaller than themselves, and will combine and aggregate with other slimes to consume larger pray. Slimes reproduce by dividing when they are no longer able to effectively feed the entire mass.

Agility Dexterity Strength Faith Perception Knowledge Vitality
- - 3 - 2 - 3
The above stats apply for a Large (2x2) Slime. For every size category up, the slime's Strength increases and Agility Decreases by 1, while every size category down decreases Strength and increases Agility by 1.

Slimes can Engulf any creature at least one size category smaller than it as a Medium Action (Slime Strength vs SC). They can also Slam into a creature. Small or smaller Slimes make Light Attacks, Medium size make Medium Attacks, and Large and larger Slimes make Heavy Attacks.
Slimes are Vulnerable to all types of magic (double damage). Slimes that take damage from Slashing weapons divide into two Slimes, each one size category smaller. Slimes automatically fail Vitality checks against Heavy Attacks. Slimes one size category smaller or more than a creature can be squashed by that creature.
Geographic Distribution


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