Hou-ou Species in Ogygian Tales | World Anvil


Crowned as the king of all birds and embodying the virtues of duty, propriety, faith, and mercy, hou-ou are an extremely rare sight in the mortal world. Their bodies are comprised of parts of many different birds, and their plumage contains the five elemental colors - blue, red, white, black, and yellow. They never cause harm to any living creature; their diet is exclusively bamboo seeds, and they nest only in paulownia trees. Their presence soothes the world around them, and when they fly, the wind calms, dust settles, and birds and insects quiet their songs. It is little wonder that they are a popular motif for Azumese art.  
Normally, hou-ou can only be found in the celestial plane of Takamagahara, but in the rare times when one descends to Azuma, the land they settle in is considered to be blessed with peace, prosperity, and happiness. Much like the hakutaku, kirin, and other celestial yokai, hou-ou can tangibly bestow such blessings upon the deserving.



Celestial yokai
Average Height
3 feet
Average Length
10 feet
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by MLeth