Curatores Capitis Rank/Title in Ofermod | World Anvil
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Curatores Capitis

Although organizations competing in the quest for the Sirakoth vary greatly one from the other, they all share a similar feature: the have amassed considerable collections over time and need somebody in charge of them. The title of Curatores capitis, or Head Curator, is among the most prestigious functions a member of a corridori organization can hold. In many ways, it is the ultimate mark of confidence one can receive. To be a serious contender in the hunt for the Sirakoth, a group must either have been gathering leads for a long time, or have expended an obscene quantity of resources to acquire its own unique collection. In most cases, both are involved. The most feared corridori have been collecting for centuries, if not millennia, control fortunes rarely seen in Human history, and wield tremendous political influence. This means that, unless an organization of similar clout stands in their way, a corridori group is almost certain to get whatever object, document or technology it covets. Collections of enormous value are thus constituted. But acquisition is one thing, and usefulness is quite another. Filling warehouses and vaults to the brim is pointless if one is not able to keep track of holdings, assess its utility, cross-reference artefacts that might shed light on one another. This is but one responsibility of the Curatores capitis.
it would ne be an exaggeration to affirm that the quest for the Sirakoth involves what we might call "curatorial warfare". This is the case not only because corridori organization will resort to any and every means necessary to secure an acquisition, but also because they will also go to the same great lengths to mislead their adversaries or degrade their collection. Thus, the Curatores capitis is at once involved in detective work, counter-intelligence, and security operations. While most of these activities are defensive, head curators can also be involved in assessing the vulnerabilities of an opponent's collections and conservation facilities. Corridori organizations are necessarily well staffed in terms of field personnel and have contacts with the underground to carry out such operations, but head curators often provide unique insight and play a crucial role in planning.
Obviously, having an incompetent or, worse, traitorous curator will prove disastrous. For that reason leaders of every organization must have complete and utter confidence in the curator they choose. Conversely, they will expend considerable resources to corrupt the stewards of their adversaries' collections.


Educational systems vary widely from one organization to the other. Their common characteristic is that becoming a curator involves numerous years of apprenticeship. One must first comet to know the collections themselves, both that of their own group and what is known about the other corridori collections. Extensive training in conservation, counter-intelligence, detection of forgeries, and other laboratory techniques is essential. Practical field experience dealing with the world of contraband is also important, both to procure items and to put misleading forgeries in circulation.


Although many organizational and technical skills are important, the most important requirement to become Curatores capitis is trustworthiness and loyalty to the organization. Candidates are generally groomed for this task from birth, although the final appointment is impossible if one does not show the necessary competence. The position is extremely prestigious and influential, but all corridori have understood that it cannot be honorific. In many ways, the head curator is the head of the spear when it comes to an organization's efforts to realize its mission of securing the Sirakoth for itself.


The decision to appoint a Curatores capitis rests with the highest authority of the organization. This could be a family council, the heads of an order or a guild, the board of directors of a corporation or the Privy council of a government.
Form of Address
Equates to
Conservator, Collection Manager, Museum Registrar

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