Drawmij Character in Oerth | World Anvil

Drawmij (DRAA-Meej)

The archmage began his career at the Academy of Arcane Arts in Niole Dra, the capital city of Keoland. After decades of study, he left the college behind seeking fame and fortune. He roamed the length of the Sheldomar Valley which lies between the Lortmil and Barrier Peaks mountain ranges. Further tales place him ranging deep into the Welkwood forests where the hidden fairy kingdom of Celene resides. And if one were to listen to the wild rumors that speak of his his greatness, his home rests within the deep waters of the The Azure Sea off the coast of Keoland.   As a result of his explorations, he wields mighty arcane energies and is rumored to be one of the newly formed Circle of Eight based within Greyhawk. Although it has been almost a year since he was last sighted within the Flanaess.
Aligned Organization
Real World Origins:
According to the Greyhawk wiki source, there are conflicting stories on the origins of drawmij the archmage. One version relates that Jim Ward was playing a wizard named "Bombidell", a twist on Tom Bombadil from Lord of the Rings, when he needed an item left in his character's room and therefore Gary Gygax created the spell "drawmij's Instant Summons" spell to retrieve said item. Alternatively, this was Jim Ward's character from the beginning and therefore the spell was named after him.    Regardless, Jim Ward played in the early games with Gary Gygax and did play the archmage Drawmij. Further down the road, Jim Ward was instrumental in changes to D&D as Second Edition was being released and contributed to the lore of Greyhawk with published titles like Greyhawk Adventures. 
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