Zunkim and Thingla Boodlebop, Khorbun Tundrum Character in Oerth | World Anvil

Zunkim and Thingla Boodlebop, Khorbun Tundrum

Zunkim and Thingla Boodlebop, Khorbun Tundrum

Zunkim and Thingla Boodlebop are gnomes who currently live in Twilight Falls in the Gnarley Forest with their friend, Khorbun Tundrum, though where exactly they reside is unknown.   The trio were first encountered in Hommlet, as Shiloh, Stu, Miles, and Hazeem had agreed to escort them to Twilight Falls, which was a successful mission accomplished.   Zunkim is a cheerful and amicable middle-aged gnome with bright green eyes, dark brown hair, and a slight paunch.. He has displayed some power as a healer and spellcaster.   Thingla is also cheerful, though appears more mischievous than her husband. She has dark brown eyes and black hair and is slim. She has proven herself quite stealthy.   Khorbun is quite stoic compared to his compatriots, who he regards with great respect. He is quite stout, as most hill dwarves are, with a sizable auburn beard and neatly braided shoulder-length hair. He is a fair fighter, preferring heavy armor and battleaxes, as dwarves are wont to do.   Further associations of the trio are a bit of a mystery, though some items held an icon of Olidammara. The trio paid well for their escort.


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