The Plains of Sorrow Geographic Location in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil

The Plains of Sorrow

The Plains of Sorrow is a bleak expanse stretching between the great river, the imposing Towers, and the sinister Blighted Woods to the west. This desolate landscape is marked by the remnants of once-thriving settlements, now abandoned and left to decay under the shadow of impending darkness. The Watch maintains a vigilant presence across the plains, with three forts strategically positioned to defend against external threats: Shadowgarde Fort, Rivercrown Fort, and Shatterfalls Fort. Eight towers stand as silent sentinels, their watchful gaze scanning the horizon for signs of danger. Despite the somber name, the Plains of Sorrow serve as a crucial buffer zone, shielding the Allied cities from the malevolent forces that lurk within the Blighted Woods.


The area's geographic features include mountains encircling it to the north, east, and south, providing a natural barrier against external threats. To the west lies the ominous Blighted Woods. The Great River flows along the northern edge, providing sustenance and a means of transportation for the region's inhabitants. Within the plains, there are patches of fertile land amidst the otherwise desolate landscape, offering opportunities for agriculture and settlement. Rivers and small lakes dot the terrain, adding to the environment's diversity and providing water sources for the surrounding areas.


The climate is typically temperate, influenced by its proximity to both mountains and bodies of water. Summers tend to be mild and relatively dry, with warm temperatures and occasional periods of rainfall. Winters can be cold, with temperatures dropping below freezing and occasional snowfall, particularly in the higher elevations of the surrounding mountains. The presence of the Great River and small lakes within the region helps moderate temperatures and provides some humidity throughout the year. However, the climate is also affected by the ominous presence of the Blighted Woods to the west, which can contribute to an overall sense of darkness and foreboding in the atmosphere.

Fauna & Flora


In the Plains of Sorrow, various flora thrives amidst the desolation, offering sustenance and resources to those who dwell within its borders. Among the plants found in this somber landscape are:
  • Mourningberry Vines - These vines bear edible berries, providing a source of nourishment for the inhabitants of the plains.
  • Widow's Veil - A delicate flowering plant, its blooms add a touch of beauty to the otherwise gloomy surroundings.
  • Shadowsilk - Known for its fine fibers, Shadowsilk can be spun into a durable fabric, prized for its strength and resilience.
  • Crimson Fennel - This plant produces edible leaves, offering another food source for the denizens of the Plains of Sorrow.
  • Weeping Anne's Lace - Named for its drooping flowers, Weeping Anne's Lace adds a melancholic charm to the landscape.
  • Sticky Black Oak - The sap of this oak tree possesses adhesive properties, making it useful for various crafting and construction purposes.
  • Sleeping Fieldcress - With its edible leaves, Sleeping Fieldcress provides yet another option for sustenance in the plains.
  • Yellow Moss - This moss, though humble in appearance, is edible and may offer a source of nutrition during times of scarcity.


Inhabiting Species

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