Silver Material in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil


Silver is a precious metal known for its shiny, metallic luster and distinctively bright, white color. It possesses a reflective surface that can range from polished and gleaming to slightly tarnished over time. Silver is malleable and ductile, allowing it to be shaped into various forms such as coins, jewelry, and decorative items.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Silver possesses distinct physical and chemical properties that contribute to its unique characteristics and versatility. Physically, silver is known for its bright, metallic luster and characteristic white color. It is malleable and ductile, meaning it can be easily shaped and formed into various objects without breaking. In terms of hardness, silver falls within the mid-range, making it relatively soft compared to other metals. Chemically, silver is a noble metal with the chemical symbol Ag and atomic number 47. It is highly resistant to corrosion and tarnishing, making it durable and long-lasting. Overall, silver's physical and chemical properties make it a prized material for jewelry, currency, and decorative items.

Geology & Geography

Silver is found within the New Angeles Mines and the Crystal Grotto. The New Angeles Mines are extensive underground tunnels that delve deep into the earth, where silver deposits can be discovered alongside other precious minerals. Additionally, the Crystal Grotto, nestled within the New Angeles Mines, also yields silver along with its dazzling crystalline formations.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In everyday life, silver is used for a variety of practical and ornamental purposes. It is commonly used to create jewelry, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, appreciated for its shiny and elegant appearance. Silverware, such as forks, spoons, and knives, is often made from silver due to its antibacterial properties and aesthetic appeal. Additionally, silver is utilized in the manufacturing of coins, serving as a form of currency and a store of value in many societies. In the realm of medicine, silver compounds are sometimes used in wound dressings and topical ointments for their antimicrobial properties.   In the realm of magic, silver is revered for its mystical properties and associations with purity, protection, and intuition. It can be used to create enchanted items and potions that align with these affinities. For example, silver may be incorporated into talismans or amulets designed to ward off negative energy, evil spirits, or hexes. In potions, silver may be used to concoct elixirs intended to enhance psychic abilities, promote clarity of thought, or strengthen intuition and insight. Its radiant energy is believed to resonate with the moon and the element of water, making it a potent tool for enhancing spiritual awareness and psychic abilities.


In its natural state, silver can be used for specific purposes, but it often benefits from refinement to unlock its full potential. Raw silver ore extracted from the New Angeles Mines and the Crystal Grotto may contain impurities and require processing to purify the metal. Refinement involves techniques such as smelting and electrolysis to separate the silver from other minerals and elements. Once purified, the silver can be shaped into various forms, such as bars, coins, or jewelry, depending on its intended use.


Trade & Market

Silver is sold by both the Crystal Guild and the Golden Guild in various shops throughout the five cities of our realm. The Miners Guild provides the raw stones to these guilds, who then refine the silver into metal ingots or finished pieces. While silver is not as rare or expensive as gold, it is still considered a luxury item due to its lustrous appearance and versatility in crafting jewelry, decorative items, and other valuables. Silver items crafted by skilled artisans from the guilds command a premium price and are sought after by those who appreciate its beauty and craftsmanship.


Silver is typically stored with care to preserve its value and luster. For small quantities, such as coins or jewelry, silver may be kept in secure containers like locked chests or jewelry boxes to prevent theft. Loose silver nuggets or dust can be stored in pouches or small containers, away from moisture and dust. Larger quantities of refined silver, such as ingots or bars, may be stored in secured vaults within the guilds' establishments or in the treasuries of wealthy individuals. It's crucial to store silver away from harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and direct sunlight to prevent tarnishing or damage.

Silver Vein

Silver Nugget

Silver Ingots

Silver Pendant

Silver Dagger


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