Sable Winthrope Character in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil

Sable Winthrope

Species: Mage
  Path: Mastigos
  Order: Free Council
  Sable's name had been heard for years amongst the Mage population of Echo. She's been a strong voice within the Free Council and had assisted the previous Hierarch, Caesar, on many of his endeavors. Some have even speculated that they were lovers. She doesn't voice any credibility to this, however, has not been seen with a man or woman since Caesar's death in any form of companionable state.
  She was voted in a Hierarch of the City of Echo in late Julye, 299 AF. And as a member of the Free Council, quickly set to open trade once again, and let the City of Echo flourish. She very new to the position, but not afraid to get her hands dirty and work with the other Cities to get things done. She did this by going to each city to speak one on one with the leadership and with the heads of the guilds that resided in each.

A telling of the fall of Caesar, Obrimos of the Silver Ladder, First of his name, of the Scions of God as presented by Adonis after Caesar's death in Decembre 298 AF.  
Adonis finds a place to lean settling in to tell the story "About six months ago our Hierarch, by the name of Caesar an Obrimos of the Silver Ladder, First of his name, of the Scions of God was on his way for his bi annual meeting with the other leaders of the surrounding settlements. As usual he was with his usual emissary group which included myself as the Adamant Sage."   "Caesar as a Master of multiple Arcana; often had visions, was well praised by his people and the surrounding communities. As a Master of Space, he helped to establish the more permanent gateways or Portal Gates between the communities as well as ensured their continued strength as well as safety along the routes. For reasons still beyond my understanding given his importance to our kind; when he would travel to these meets he liked to do so on horseback. This is generally not an issue as he was not a member of the Skysworn and just preferred simple pleasures like mundane travel. We were about a day's travel away when Caesar was struck in the chest, a spear simply appearing in his heart, knocking his from his horse with a mortal wound. Roving Barbarians from the coast, we never saw them until the attack. I tried to descent fast enough but I could not get there in enough time to attempt to save Caesar; the light faded from his eyes before I could get there. The rest of the detachment lurched forward to engage and I took back to the skies to burn the enemy out."   a brief pause before continuing "I hurried to keep the summit while Caesar's body was returned to Echo. When I returned home from the summit, having been asked to stand in for said meeting; much of the populous stood in shock and confusion. They demaneded answers of what had happened to their beloved Hierarch. The Council met and it was agreed since I was the next more recognizable and respected face that I should take over in the meantime. When you craft came hurling from the sky where was consider that you were second invading force; since we never did see the first one. When someone mentioned a warship we had no choice but to investigate further. I held your ... leader... to her word; to take responsibility for her people. Now, here we are." he shrugs.
  Ceasar, a statue in Echo

Physical Description

Body Features

Height: 5'8" Weight: 130 lbs.
She is thin but has a soft feminine look to her. She has no deformities or the like. She carries herself with a relaxed stride, often matching that of those around her. She has no arrogance about her, in fact, most times she seems happy to meet new people and can sometimes not seem like she's in charge to start with.

Facial Features

Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown with blonde highlights
She has an oval face with high cheekbones, a slightly pointed noise, and a head of long flowing hair that hits to her shoulder blades. Her eyes are are well set with a warm and happy glow to them. Her skin is always a light tanned color and radiates health.

Apparel & Accessories

She can usually be found wearing soft colored clothing that some how isn't dirty. Flats or a heel. Her clothes range from dresses to simple suits that are still feminine in nature.

Her styles change with the seasons from lighter tones in the Spring and Summer to darker tones in the Autumn and Winter. In the cooler seasons she can be seen with scarves and jackets, her flats often times swapped out for boots (ankle, knee high) as well.


Sable recently gained the status of Heirarch of Echo (late July, 2023 (RL time)). She took time to reopen the borders to the established members of the surrounding 4 cities. And is now returned back to Echo to help oversee the changes that she aims to impliment.  

Current Status
Current Location


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