Gold Material in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil


Gold is a precious metal renowned for its distinctive appearance and valuable properties. It typically exhibits a bright yellow coloration that is highly reflective and lustrous. Gold is malleable and ductile, allowing it to be easily shaped into various forms such as coins, jewelry, and decorative items. Its timeless appeal and rarity have made it a symbol of wealth and status throughout history. Gold sparkles with a warm, golden glow when polished, adding a touch of luxury and elegance to any setting.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Gold's distinct physical and chemical properties contribute to its unique characteristics and desirability. Physically, gold is known for its bright yellow coloration and high reflectivity, giving it a lustrous appearance. It is also highly malleable and ductile, meaning it can be easily shaped and formed into various objects without breaking. In terms of hardness, gold falls within the mid-range, making it relatively soft compared to other metals. Chemically, gold is a dense metal with the chemical symbol Au and atomic number 79. It is resistant to corrosion, tarnishing, and rust, making it highly durable and long-lasting.

Geology & Geography

Gold is found within the New Angeles Mines and the Crystal Grotto, two significant locations in our realm. The New Angeles Mines are expansive underground tunnels that delve deep into the earth, where gold deposits, among other precious minerals, can be discovered. The Crystal Grotto, nestled within the New Angeles Mines, also yields gold along with its dazzling crystalline formations.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Gold is primarily used as a form of currency and as a symbol of wealth and status. Gold coins are commonly used for trade and commerce, serving as a reliable medium of exchange. Additionally, gold is highly prized for crafting exquisite jewelry and adornments, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and crowns, worn by nobility and royalty to display their wealth and prestige. Gold may also be used to embellish decorative items.   In magic, gold is revered for its mystical properties and associations with abundance, prosperity, and enlightenment. It can be used to create enchanted items and potions that align with these affinities. For example, gold may be incorporated into talismans or amulets designed to attract wealth, success, and good fortune. In potions, gold may be used to concoct elixirs to promote financial abundance, enhance intuition, or stimulate spiritual growth and enlightenment. Its radiant energy is believed to resonate with the sun and fire element, making it a potent tool for manifestation and empowerment.


Gold can be used for specific purposes in its natural state, but it often requires refinement to unlock its full potential. Raw gold nuggets or dust found in the New Angeles Mines and the Crystal Grotto can be melted down and shaped into basic forms, such as coins or crude jewelry. However, gold typically undergoes further refinement for more intricate or elaborate uses, such as crafting fine jewelry or creating potent magical items. This process involves purifying the gold to remove impurities and shaping it into desired forms through melting, casting, and shaping techniques. The refined gold is then ready to be crafted into exquisite jewelry, enchanted talismans, or other magical artifacts, harnessing its innate properties and symbolic significance to their fullest extent.


Trade & Market

Gold is sold by both the Crystal Guild and the Golden Guild in various shops throughout the five cities of our realm. The Miners Guild supplies the raw metal to these guilds, who then refine the gold into metal ingots or finished pieces. Gold is a luxury item and is prized for its rarity, beauty, and symbolic significance. Crafted into fine jewelry, ornate decorations, or ceremonial objects, gold items command a premium price and are sought after by nobility, merchants, and affluent individuals looking to display their wealth and status.


Gold is typically stored with great care to preserve its value and luster. Gold may be kept in secure containers like locked chests or jewelry boxes for small quantities, such as coins or jewelry, to prevent theft. Loose gold nuggets or dust can be stored in pouches or small containers away from moisture and dust. Larger quantities of refined gold, such as ingots or bars, may be stored in secured vaults within the guilds' establishments or in the treasuries of wealthy individuals. Storing gold away from harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and direct sunlight is crucial to prevent tarnishing or damage.

Gold Vein

Gold Nugget

Gold Ingots

Gold Earrings

Gold Plate


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