Selara Character in Odran | World Anvil


Weaver of Seasons


  Selara, the goddess of the seasons, is a divine embodiment of the ever-turning wheel of time and nature. In spring, she manifests as a radiant and carefree young girl, adorned in blossoms and vibrant colors that mirror the awakening of life. Her presence exudes the energy of new beginnings, symbolizing the joy and potential of the season.   As summer unfolds, Selara transforms into a graceful and blossoming young woman. Dressed in garments reminiscent of golden sunlight, she embodies the fullness of life and the vibrant abundance of nature. Her aura radiates warmth and vitality, mirroring the peak of the summer sun.   In the fall, Selara takes on the form of a wise and nurturing middle-aged woman. Her attire reflects the rich hues of changing leaves, and she carries the wisdom of seasons past. Selara's demeanor is calm and contemplative, symbolizing the gentle transition from growth to introspection.   As winter blankets the world in a quiet embrace, Selara transforms into an elderly woman. Draped in silver and white, she moves with the grace of falling snowflakes. Her eyes hold the depth of countless winters, embodying the quiet strength and serenity that comes with the closing of a cycle.   Personality   Selara's personality evolves with each season. In spring, she is playful and full of curiosity, reveling in the beauty of budding life. As summer arrives, she becomes nurturing and passionate, embracing the fullness of existence. In the fall, Selara is wise and contemplative, guiding the world through the transition of seasons. In winter, she exudes a quiet and enduring strength, embodying the tranquility of the frozen landscape.  


  Selara presides over the domains of seasons, growth, and the cyclical nature of life. She is revered by farmers, gardeners, and those who appreciate the beauty of changing landscapes. Selara's influence extends across the realms of nature, connecting all living things to the rhythm of the seasons.  


  Symbols associated with Selara include a wheel with four segments representing each season, a blooming flower, and a snowflake. Offerings to Selara often include seasonal fruits, seeds, and tokens symbolizing the cyclical nature of life.  

Temple of Eternal Change

  Temples dedicated to Selara are constructed with architectural elements that reflect the beauty of each season. The central hall may have open skylights for spring, sunlit courtyards for summer, walls adorned with autumnal colors for fall, and serene, snow-covered gardens for winter. The altar features a rotating wheel symbolizing the perpetual cycle of the seasons.  

Harmony Keepers

  Selara's devoted followers, known as Harmony Keepers, are individuals attuned to the natural rhythms of the world. They celebrate the changing seasons, organize festivals, and work to maintain balance in the ecosystems they inhabit. Harmony Keepers often engage in agricultural practices, respecting the ebb and flow of nature's cycles.  

Ceremonies of Transition

  Ceremonies dedicated to Selara mark the transitions between seasons, celebrating the unique qualities of each. These rituals involve planting and harvesting ceremonies, seasonal feasts, and communal gatherings that honor the interconnectedness of all living things within the cycle of the year.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature, Order
Divine Classification
Major Deity


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