Quest: The Fairy and the Labirinth in Octandrel | World Anvil
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Quest: The Fairy and the Labirinth

The party knows that the Pixies may know the way to the mother of the forest Crisophleia, so they ventured in the Foresta di Erendrel to get to them.   The Pixies are not afraid of strangers. They are a conqueror race, proud of their domain in the forest, but to meet them the party has to first get to the territories. In order to get to them, they can follow little traces (little spears, and marking of the territory) they will get to the Milk Trees. They can ask animals. They will point them in the right direction but also communicate fear of the Pixies.
  These trees have no leaves and are bone white and skeletric. There are many cuts, some of them closed like scars. They see a wounded rabbit scratching the tree and drinking a white fluid that heals it. At the bottom of the tree, there is the corpse of a gnome, punctured by many tiny cuts and wounds. He is holding an axe which like his mouth is covered in white fluid. He is Burnetto il Folletto (He tried to drink and got killed by the pixies).
  If the PCs try to drink the milk. A swarm of insect attacks. When killed, armored Pixies will appear and try to arrest them for trespassing. These trees are used by the Pixies to feed themselves. They are very protective of them.
  There is only a few Pixies that speak common. The one that speaks to them is Olette Flowerwing   The Pixies will lead them in the hearth of their territory once they can trust the PCs (like if the mention the Mother of the Forest). There, Olette will show their city and explain their society. Pixies are an old community and the most prosperous in the forest of Erendrel. They farm forest creatures and plants. They are like bees, with warriors and farmers and specialised constructors. In the meantime the PC will be spoiled and treated as guests, with fruit and food.
  Other races are often jealous, especially the Satyr which always try to destroy their plants and eat them. In particular, around 70 years ago they kidnapped Trilly, their queen and brought her to their Labirinth. They cannot elect another one until the queen is not dead and they know she is not as the Vice-Duchess can feel it magically. Their leader is Pan, the most evil Satyr. They tried to rescue her but Pan's Labirinth is too well protected and many Pixies have died. If the PC rescue her, they will be lead to the Mother of the Forest.
  If they accept, they will be lead to the Labirith by Olette and some guards. Dead Pixies lie in front of the entrance. The Labirinth walls are made of dark thorns and foliage, and a creepy flute music is echoing from the inside.
  Inside the labyrinth, here and there there are torn corpses of pixies and, at a certain point 2 human skeletons with rusty swords of the parents of Erik. (A investigation/medicine roll reveals that they are a male and a female/they have been tortured/they have died around 30/50 years ago).
  Every time they encounter satyrs, they tell them to leave them alone and leave. That they can't give the queen back. When the PCs get to the central room, they see Pan with 4 other satyrs. There are some scared satyr kids here and there. They surrender.
  Pan  is an old Satyr, his face is tired and scarred but he looks very wise. He explains to them that the Fairyes are evil. They expand like a disease in the forest, subjugating every creature to their will. He used to live with his family around some Milk trees without bothering anyone and one day the pixies came and sent them away. They were offered to stay and work for them but Pan knew that it was going to be slavery. So they refused, and for them they were hunted and kicked further and further away until they decided it was enough and constructed the labirith to protect themselves and kidnap the queen. This prevents the Fairies to expand even more.
  Pan offers to help the party if they put a root that he gives them under the main hive of the Pixies. The root looks like a dark hearth, broken in the middle It was made with Pan's killed son and contains all his hate for the Pixies. This will drain their magic and prevent them to expand further. If they do, he will lead them to the mother of the Forest.
  The root seems to have the effect desired. But in reality eventually, it will kill all the fairies.   When the PCs get out from the Labirith, they see Lumineth the Unicorn staring at them from the distance. He then turns away and disappear.


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