The Titans of the First Age Myth in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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The Titans of the First Age

Scattered about O'l Andem, are the long lost remnants of the once roaming titans. With exception of well preserved skeletons in colder and more barren climates most of these remnant are singular bones, craters or weapons. One of the more known locations of such a sight is within the maidens cleft where you can find several large rib bones poking out from the ground. Researches have estimated that these giants where the size of 300 to 400 feet tall. A whole skeleton was found in the backbone mountain range with a large 100 feet long steel sword imbedded in the mountain on which the skeleton rests. In the Hallowed Meadow there can be found the head of a large warhammer halfway buried. These sights are a hot spot for travellers and researchers alike and have been an inspiration to bardic tales across the ages.

In Literature

There are several well known tales that function as children's stories around O'l Andem. One of the more well known stories believed to be written by Braalin The Bard, tells the story of a wandering friendly titan named Alosa trying to find her way across the world, and her encounters along the way.    The stories that exist within literature tell widely different tales and describe the titans poles apart.

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