The late adventures of Rock S. Fallson and Avery Bohdi Dyes - By Phony Bogus Prose in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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The late adventures of Rock S. Fallson and Avery Bohdi Dyes - By Phony Bogus

“We’ve been on the road for so long now,” Rock said to Avery as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. There was a small spell of silence before Avery sighed “I know. Who knew slaughtering the blacksmith for refusing to give us his wares for free would end in us being wanted for manslaughter?” Rock chuckled “Good thing we’re morally bankrupt and only truly care about ourselves and gold”. Avery smiled “Indeed, Rock, indeed.”   They had been traveling for seven days straight, only stopping to eat, shit, and sleep. There had been some close encounters with some road guards, but luckily Rock had a way with words, and even though what he said made no sense what so fucking ever, the guards believed him, for he was just so charismatic. When the moon was at its highest Avery and Rock decided to sleep.   Avery awoke to the sound of something rustling in the woods beside them. He kept calm because he always slept in his armor, even though it's painful and almost impossible. As his eyesight adjusted to the night light he managed to see a monstrous figure in the woods. Avery was calm and collected for he had read the Manuel De Monstre and knew that this creature was no threat to him even though it looked terrifying. Avery managed to kill the monsters without ever waking his friend because he knew Rock needed to get his spells back.   When Avery and Rock awoke the next day Rock noticed that Avery had stolen one of his health potions. Rocks' flaw is that he gets really angry when people steal his stuff, so Rock killed Avery throwing 10 years of friendship into the dirt because that is what his character would do… right?   The End

The late adventures of Rock S. Fallson and Avery Bohdi Dyes is a short story by Phony Bogus. This is the known pen name of Braalin the Bard, a known adventurer that lived in the early 200 AAR. The story pokes fun at adventurer stereotypes and how they are perceived throughout the ages.


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