The Coalition Organization in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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The Coalition

One of Elucidiens greatest crime rings, The Coalition has made a name for themselves as thieves, assassins, fencers, and much more. They operate in localized sects called cells where every member is expected to pay a tithe to their local gang boss. Their schemes and structure are second to none only beaten by the likes of the Wild-fire orders. One of the main reasons for the Coalition's success is the cell division strategy. A cell is made up of 3 subgroups all responding to one boss. Neither subgroups know the real name of the boss nor the names of any other members than their own subgroups. like a pyramid, if a stone breaks, just replace it. In recent years they have expanded their empire to include most Elucidien cities and even some cities in Aridell. They have also begun activity in Reun, much to the Golds Gallows dismay

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