Oakwood Settlement in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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Oakwood is a small farming village located by the opening to the southern Reun gap. Though small in size and population its populace has been stagnant for the last 200 years. Famine, pestilence, and its remote location has made it a fine stop for passers-by, but a terrible slot for those looking for new and exciting opportunities. It was occupied by Galvar Gordoroth and was made a military camp in the 1342 AAR. It was formally inaugurated into the Twained Empereum after its release in 1352.


The leader of Oakwood is the baron family line that owns the land, the Westwind family. Currently Penelope Westwind rules in Oakwood.


Surrounding the main market and living space of Oakwood there are wooden walls with small wooden tower structures. There is a small militia of farmers and workers that form a small 34 unit military.

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