Leylan Farholm, The Beggar King of Hillsted Character in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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Leylan Farholm, The Beggar King of Hillsted

Leylan stands 7.2 feet tall, her body covered in grey fur. She has green eyes and greyish green hair drizzled and unkempt, her smile is large and warm with a great big nose.   Following the divine destruction of Hillsted (known as The Great Purge) in the year 1576, Leylan rose to prominence as a spiritual and moral guide to the survivors. When the great explosion happened Layland was tending to a small garden in the middle of the Sullied Marshes not far from Hillsted. Noticing the great rumbling in the ground and the giant fireball in the sky she traveled towards it in hope of learning what had happened. When she arrived she saw the destruction and decided to spend her time helping those in need. Healing the infirm and feeding the starving. She became a popular figure in the eyes of the poor, and though thieves and looters were common, she judged not. Guiding the misguided and deescalating the angry became very much apart of her every day. After several months of helping rebuild, feed, and tend to the denizens of Hillsted she had managed to create a little community of thieves, beggars, and gamblers now on a path of redemption. When the question of Leader came up, they nominated Leylan, to her bewilderment. she accepted and led the people into a new and simpler lifestyle. In the years following her rise to power, she gained the name the beggar king. Under her leadership, they rebuilt the outer walls and broke down the inner walls, created farms and plots, transforming what once was marshland into fine grassland, and even managed to create a building never seen before in Hillsted, a church of Chauntea, the goddess of agriculture.

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