Halflings Species in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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Peace with every step. Most halflings are innately peaceful and care not for the wars and conflicts of the world. They would rather spend their time tending to their gardens, make food, debate spiritual or theological topics or simply rest under the love of the sky. Their communities are heavily influenced by their religious beliefs and ties to their creator Yondalla. There are of course halfling communities that differ from this generalization like The Halfling Merchants Association, but they are far and few.    Live, Laugh, Love

Basic Information


Halflings stand 3.5-4 feet tall and have large feet. Other than that they look much like tiny humans. More interesting than their physique is their spiritual garments and accessories. Most halfling expresses their spiritual and theological beliefs with the use of complex piercings, rings, and necklaces. These accessories often signify which family they belong to, what church they go to, what rank within the religious community they have, if they are married and to which family it is, and a lot of other facts about their lives. Learning the meaning behind every combination of jewellery can take years of study. They are also often clad in fine robes with colourful expressions.

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