Fletchgard Settlement in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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Fletchgard is a Dwarven city, based on the foot of a mountain in The Backbone mountain chain. Most of its inhabitants belong to a sub-sect of Moradin's faith that believes that the usual dwarven method of digging deep into the mountain's core is a path to destruction and that only the adaption to the normal above ground living can lead to true long-lasting prosperity. Fletchgard's population has stagnated over the years as the city lies far from the coast and is the target of many Hill Giant attacks. Over the course of history, Fletchgard has remained docile and has had little to no impact on the rest of O'l Andem.


99% dwarves. 1% other.


Fletchgard is ruled by the founding clan Timberland and has stayed under their rule since its conception. The clan is large in size and about 10% of the inhabitants of Fletchgard have the name Timberland. A council of five figureheads from clan Timberland are chosen to rule by a city council consisting of overheads of all the other clans in Fletchgard. A council figurehead can be disavowed from the council if voted off by the city council in a yearly election cycle.


Fletchgard is constructed in segments of large hills contained with large timber walls.  These walls are almost impenetrable as the dirt on the other side pushes back against rams and catapults. Fletchgard Dwarves are known for being great bowsmen and have an elite unit called The Giantsbane.


Though Fletchgard is a city built on the premises of not mining deep into the core of the mountain, they do still mine out resources, like Scorchrock and Silver. They use the silver to pay for resources from Eilisem.   Another large part of Fletchgard is their impressive lumber mills and their affinity to build structures with the different trees of the nearby forests.
Founding Date
ca 200 years AAR
Alternative Name(s)
25 100

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