Ai-Farrai Settlement in O'l Andem | World Anvil
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Is a small Tabaxi settlement which is located near the mountains of The Willowwoods and The Willowed Run. It is exemt from world politics and thrive off of hunting and fishing. The inhabitants are described as welcoming and curious often asking questions at length about travelers and visitors. The settlement is run by a single chieftan (Harsh but Fair) that oversees and govern. The rules are fairly lax and there are seldom any crime, caviat the five finger discount nature of Tabaxis in general.


99% tabaxi with the rare humanoid on long term visits.


The surrounding woodlands and riverlands creates a good source of food and water. The flora and fauna are lush with berries, deer, bears, elk, foxes and many more. The land is however quite hard to navigate do to the large amounts of rivers within the forest. The rivers are harsh and the streams strong making crossing them dangerous. The tabaxi however seem to not be bothered by this and they have an intricate systems of logs, tunnels and hidden bridges that help them navigate.
Inhabitant Demonym

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