Novredall History of Istros Timeline

History of Istros

Age of Divinity

  • 0 A.D.
    The Transmigration
    Religious event

    The Matron of Trees and Lord of Light create the Pantheon's current form following the separation of the world into various planes of existence.

  • 5880 A.D.

    The Founding of Taureluum

    Vashana convinces a faction of the shadow elves to leave the Depths and establish the city of Taureluum in the great cavern of the Hollow Mountains.

Age of Arcana

  • 0 A.A.
    The Ascension of Vashana
    Era beginning/end

    Vashana is killed and Shaemora sacrifices much of her power to raise the archmage's spirit to godhood. This marks the beginning of the Age of Arcana and the first night of Istros as Shaemora's light disappears.

  • 759 A.A.

    Birth of the Novatsk Dynasty
    Political event

    The Istrian city-state of Highvault is overthrown by a young general, who declares himself King Leonid Novatsk I. He then launches a campaign to conquer the entirety of Istros.

  • 816 A.A.

    5 Aukian

    Death of King Leonid the Conqueror
    Life, Death

    King Leonid the Conquerer's behavior grows erratic in his old age and, against the warnings of his advisors, he marches with his forces against the dwarvish-gnomish alliance at Coldcairn. He is struck down in the midst of the chaotic battle.

  • 816 A.A.

    6 Aukian

    Acquisition of Coldcairn
    Diplomatic action

    The Ytean paladin Aumrath Lathlaeril negotiates a deal with the gnomes and dwarves of Coldcairn, absorbing the city and surrounding mines into the Novatsk Kingdom.

  • 816 A.A.

    1 Horbin

    The Philosopher King
    Political event

    Due to his diplomatic success at Coldcairn, Lathlaeril is entrusted with choosing and advising an heir from among the many illegitimate children of the former king. After several months of deliberation and carefully planned political moves, he chooses the young, soft-spoken son of a palace maid, who would earn the title King Illya the Philosopher.

  • 863 A.A.

    24 Mysttin

    The Hierophant
    Religious event

    15 years have passed since the death of King Illya and Aumrath Lathlaeril is appointed high priest of the Church of Yteus, ushering in a much more zealous religious presence in Highvault.

  • 942 A.A.

    944 A.A.


    Istrian Civil War
    Military action

    King Valentyn the Silent dies young with no official heir. Three factions splinter off, one backing each of his teenage sons, and a civil war ensues.

  • 1118 - 1119 A.A.
    The Shadowed Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Shadowed Death sweeps through the Hollow Mountains, killing thousands. The shadow elf population is decimated and with the disease's impact on their fertility, any recovery in population numbers seems unlikely.

  • 1119 A.A.

    Acquisition of Taureluum
    Diplomatic action

    Overwhelmed by the devastation of the Shadowed Death, the Council of Taureluum agrees to rulership by the Novatsk Kingdom in exchange for aid in containing the pandemic. Aid is sent in the form of fifty Ytean priests. Taureluum maintains control over many local matters but agrees to release ultimate control of their military to the kingdom.

  • 1131 A.A.

    15 Aukian

    A New King
    Political event

    King Artur the Reformer dies at age 61. Though announced to be of natural causes, vicious rumors circulate throughout the capital claiming the kindly king was poisoned. Twenty-year-old Brurstog Novatsk is crowned king the same day, having become the heir to the throne just days prior by marrying Lady Silvina Kovalov.

  • 1144 A.A.
    The Rending
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the 17th day of Illeth in the year 1144 of the Age of Arcana, a massive blast of energy shook the continent of Istros and the islands of Nelorn'tol. The force of the blast tore holes in the veil between planes and destroyed portions of the foundation of all magic in Novredall.

    More reading
    The Rending
  • 1164 A.A.

    15 Aukian

    The Adventure Begins...
    Life, Organisation Association

    Phyrra, Tannar, and Moonseeker meet in Stagspire on the Day of Yteus.