The Raven Syndicate Organization in Novredall | World Anvil

The Raven Syndicate

The Raven Syndicate is a smuggling ring that deals primarily in magical items. Following the Rending, magical items were outlawed by the surface King. Though the Hollow Mountains are technically under rule of the King, it is difficult to maintain any semblance of control over the daily happenings of the Underdark. As such, magical items continued to be made there. The Raven Syndicate, once only dealing in minor illicit items, began to smuggle these items out to the highest bidders, growing massively in power and wealth over the past 20 years.   Notable Figures:
  • Quillyn Helviir: The big boss
  • Zeerin Helviir: Quillyn's brother, bartender
  • Sabala Melrae: Arcane tattooist and enchanter of unethical magical items
  • Lucian Darkwater: Loosely associated shopkeeper of the Lonely Imp
Illicit, Syndicate


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