Wormwrithings Geographic Location in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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The Wormwrithings (Upper Northdark)   A large region of twisting tunnels north and west of Blingdenstone, the Wormwrithings are said to be tunnels left behind by dozens of purple worms over many years. These tunnels are home to several large bands of kobolds, and they connect to the surface world somewhere in the vicinity of the source of the Goblintide River.   Tomb Tapper Tomb (Lower Buried Realms)   Legends tell of a huge vault at the bottom of the Lowerdark beneath Anauroch, where tomb tappers deposit the of magic items that they take from other parts of Faerûn. Whether or not this place is the legendary tomb of all magic, it certainly holds an enormous number of magic items - So many that any adventurers who managed to breach its defenses would have to choose which items to leave behind, even after filling up their portable holes and bags of holding.   Many bold adventurers who have set off in search of this legendary hoard have failed miserably in their quest because, unbeknownst to them, the Tomb does not actually exist within Faerûn. It is a demiplane created by the ancient Netherese arcanists who created the thaaluds long ago. The Tomb demiplane possesses the following traits.   No gravity. Erratic time. Finite size. The Tomb is a cluttered vault about 2 miles in diameter and 1/2 mile in height. Alterable morphic. Air dominant. The atmosphere is stale (see Poor Air). No alignment trait Impeded magic. To use a spell or spell-like ability, a character in the Tomb must succeed on a caster level check (DC 20 + spell level). Once every 1d10 days, the planar portal that leads to the Tomb shifts to another site 2d6 miles away from its previous location, though it is always located deep in the earth beneath Anauroch. Tomb tappers can sense the location of the portal without difficulty and find it easily. The portal always opens into a tunnel, passage, or cavern of some sort, but sometimes the Faerûn side may be nothing more than an empty space in the earth, completely isolated from any nearby cave systems.   The portal appears as a great gate sealed by a rune-carved door of stone. It is keyed to open only for tomb tappers or for the bearer of a very rare and specific key - a short rod of adamantine inscribed with dire runes. Very few people know about the Tomb's portal or its key, and no one knows who (if anyone) possesses the adamantine key. (At the DM's discretion, it might be possible to manufacture a duplicate key with appropriate special research and effort.)   The interior of the Tomb is suffused with a gray, dim light. A dozen or more weird, floating castles drift about in slow, complex orbits, each ringed by thousands of drifting boulders. The tomb tappers move about in the cavern by using their natural stone shape ability to arrange the drifting boulders into temporary bridges, since thaalud magic seems to be enhanced in this space. Any living creature without wings quickly discovers that the plane's impeded magic makes it difficult to even reach a castle.   The loot of Faerûn's tomb tappers is sealed into vaults in these structures. Each is guarded by a dozen or more tomb tappers, plus ancient spelltraps, undead, and other constructs. Living intruders are attacked immediately, and the tomb tappers often send out to nearby castles for reinforcements. The most dangerous denizen of the Tomb is an ancient demilich known only as the Keeper of Thaal (NE male human demilich Wizard 31). The Keeper is attended by a coterie of undead (including liches and ghosts) that it created from the rare adventurers who found their way into the demiplane. This creature seems to be the ultimate master of the tomb tappers, and the constructs all defer to its commands.   The Nether Mountains throw cold shadows over the town of Deadsnows, nestled in the alpine bosom of two foothills. Sheep graze on the lower slopes, guarded by crossbow-toting shepherds, as they nibble at the coarse grass that grows between rocky outcroppings. Be¬yond the grazing fields, the land rises to crags covered sparsely with fir trees, and then to the mist-shrouded and snow-covered mountains that rear into the sky.   The main feature of Deadsnows is the Hospice of Mar- thammor, a fortified abbey in the middle of town. Sur¬rounding it are several wood-frame buildings that make up the town, and all is contained within a crumbling wall that’s in desperate need of repair. Winter roses along the wall blossom throughout the year. Just inside the wall, overlooking the road that leads to the town, is a stone watchtower. A banner flies from its topmost turret, depicting the golden sunrise of Lathander. A dozen worshipers of the Morninglord (LG male and female priests and acolytes of various races) staff the watchtower.     The abbey is a dwarf-made fortress dedicated to Mar thammor Duin, the dwarven god of wanderers. The abbey's venerable leader, Kerrilla Gemstar (NG female shield dwarf priest of Marthammor Duin), oversees a staff of commoners who have taken vows of service.   The abbey offers assistance to anyone in need, while the clerics of the Watchtower are devoted to protecting the town and insuring the well-being of its residents.

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