The Wormwrithings Geographic Location in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

The Wormwrithings

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The Wormwrithings are twisting, ever-changing tunnels to the west of the Shadowed Ways. Purple worms and all manner of other burrowing creatures are plentiful in the area, creating new tunnels and collapsing old ones as they make their way through the rock. This region of the Underdark is not well traveled by humanoids, who fear becoming trapped in a collapsed tunnel or simply getting lost in the ever-changing network. The best bet for a guide in the Wormwrithings comes from either of two warring factions, a small tribe ofkobolds known as the Urlbluk, or svirfneblin excavators from Blingdenstone. The latter track the courses of purple worms in the area, since the drop¬pings of the huge beasts often contain precious metals and gems. ACID AERIE On the southeastern outskirts of the Wormwrith¬ings is a gorge several hundred feet across that has been carved by a lake of green, glowing, foul-smelling acid, the legacy of some past wizard's experiment. This gorge is notable for the dozens ofintercon- nected narrow stone walkways, from one foot to ten feet wide, that crisscross the chamber. Many of them lead deep into the Wormwrithings, while others wind east toward Blingdenstone. This site gained its name from the flock of dire corbies (NEVERWINTER™ Campaign Setting, page 128) that lived there until the Sable Years. Since the corbies were slain by the spirit-wraith ofZaknafein, the kobolds of the Worm¬writhings have made the place their own. GARGOYLE TUBE In the heart of the Wormwrithings, a gem-rich shaft stretches up from a great lava bubble deep under- z ground to the tunnels of the Dungeon ofDeath. Both Q gnomes and kobolds have noted gargoyle-like mon¬sters hunting near the shaft, and the svirfneblin gave it its common name. The truth is that the region is hunted by a group of nabassu demons residing in the dungeon above.

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