Thavus Kreeg Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Thavus Kreeg

High Observer   Thavus stands about 5' 10" which is down about an inch from his younger days. But the straightness of his erect frame and dignified expression make him seem taller. He's human with fair skin and light brown hair with ample gray. He is always dressed in his modified robes of the High Observer. A nod to his practicality the robes aren't robes at all, rather, finely crafted studded leather armor done in white with gold trim with a golden sun across his chest. When he wants increased formality he adds a white cape and possibly the High Observer's Crown. He always carries a sword and continues to practice with it daily.   He hails from a well-to-do family in Waterdeep and came to Elturel over forty years ago as a young paladin seeking to defeat evil. He is always cordial and warm, but never seems comfortable around others. As a leader he is quite neurotic about whom he sees and public appearances. It isn't that one cannot gain audience with him, or that he doesn't make public appearances, or meet with people regularly, it's that you must succumb to an interrogation of your background before it will happen. As long as you do not take offense you will likely be surprised at his honesty, friendliness, and genuine inquisitiveness.   Thavus was betrothed to a woman at the time he announced to all of Elturel that it would be saved. This was in line with his oaths but as soon as Elturel was delivered it was said he would no longer see her and he ultimately sent her away to never be seen again. Many have prodded him about this gap of companionship in his life but he politely changes the subject and reminds them that it will never be. Oddly though, it seems apparent to many that he has always longed for such a companion but refuses to discuss it.   The rumors about his cautious behavior about who he meets and his suspicions about magic are true. Neither is a secret and he has well designed programs and procedures to deal with both. The Companions he leads are well organized and an envy to all. They are loyal and an unarguable testament to his leadership ability.   If Thavus has a flaw it is his behavior. It is unexplainable and a point of frustration to those close to him who feel an explanation is owed but never receive one. The odd thing is that his demand for certain procedures and practices is not out of an uncontrolled obsessions but seems self-imposed. And what's more, it seems at times he hates doing it.   In a city where a sun illuminates the land perpetually and many pilgrims come to bask in its holy light and praise it, Thavus seems to shun it. If you watch him you'll see that he avoids the Companion, looking at it, speaking about it, or enjoying it. Seems odd and a bit ungrateful for the very blessing which made him a hero and the ruler of the realm.

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