Ten Trail Geographic Location in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Ten Trail

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A pass leads through the western mountains into the Spine of the World, though the route is nigh impassable in winter because of the snow and ice. Well-armed car¬avans use the Ten Trail to move goods to and from the settlements of Icewind Dale. Although it’s the safest  route between Icewind Dale and the lands to the south, travelers are still at risk of attacks from crag cats, yetis, ores, brigands, and even the occasional white dragon.   The trail extends as far south as Fireshear. Characters traveling the Ten Trail in wintertime are subject to ex¬treme cold temperatures (see the “Wilderness Survival” section in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).   Ten Trail   Ten Trail is the name given to the route typically taken by travelers coming to Icewind Dale. As its name indicates, it is not a paved road, but merely an earthen path marked by the furrows of wagon wheels from the caravans that make the trip north. The cold weather, broken ground, and scarcity of places to shelter or resupply make a journey up Ten Trail arduous at best. Add in the presence of crag cats, yetis, and bandits waiting to ambush wagons laden with trade goods, and one begins to under¬stand why only the bravest, most desperate, or most foolhardy travelers attempt the trek to Icewind Dale. Ten Trail begins at the town of Fireshear just off the Sea of Swords and makes its way north to the settlement of Hundelstone, perched on the foothills at the base of the Spine of the World. Hundelstone marks the end of the Northern Means, the larger road that leads northwest from Luskan to the far north. North from Hundelstone, Ten Trail leads up the mountain slopes across the North/South Pass, then wends its way down into the foothills of Icewind Dale. Before the settling of Bryn Shander, Ten Trail ran all the way to Targos and along the east side of Maer Dualdon. Nowadays, caravans from the south stop mainly in Bryn Shander, so as far as most people are concerned, Ten Trail stops there, too.   The North/South Pass   The gateway into Icewind Dale is the North/South Pass, where Ten Trail straddles the Spine of the World. There-in good weather-caravans labor for about three days to cross over the mountain range. The pass is known for dangerous storms, which can dump enough snow in a matter of hours to bury a horse up to its withers, and for vicious winds, which tear the cloaks from travelers’ necks and sting their flesh. Reports of undead in the mountain pass usu¬ally turn out to be sightings of ill-fated travelers who died of exposure, their corpses desiccated by the bone-dry winds. Travelers who attempt the passage without the aid of a guide are advised to obtain a map showing the locations of the way stations that dot the pass-sturdy lean-tos, stocked with warm blankets and dry wood, where people can wait out a storm. But those seeking refuge should take care: Yetis sometimes lurk near the stations, checking them every few days the way a crab fisher checking his pots.   Ten Trail is the name given to the route typically taken by travelers coming to Icewind Dale. As its name indicates, it is not a paved road, but merely an earthen path marked by the furrows of wagon wheels from the caravans that make the trip north. The cold weather, broken ground, and scarcity of places to shelter or resupply make a journey up Ten Trail arduous at best. Add in the presence of crag cats, yetis, and bandits waiting to ambush wagons laden with trade goods, and one begins to under¬stand why only the bravest, most desperate, or most foolhardy travelers attempt the trek to Icewind Dale.   Ten Trail begins at the town of Fireshear just off the Sea of Swords and makes its way north to the settlement of Hundelstone, perched on the foothills at the base of the Spine of the World. Hundelstone marks the end of the Northern Means, the larger road that leads northwest from Luskan to the far north. North from Hundelstone, Ten Trail leads up the mountain slopes across the North/South Pass, then wends its way down into the foothills of Icewind Dale. Before the settling of Bryn Shander, Ten Trail ran all the way to Targos and along the east side of Maer Dualdon. Nowadays, caravans from the south stop mainly in Bryn Shander, so as far as most people are concerned, Ten Trail stops there, too.

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