Rian Nightshade Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Rian Nightshade

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Lawful evil female tiefling warlock   Ideals: Logic, greed ("I'm certain we can come to an agreement that all parties will favor. But if not, we have other means of settling the issue.")   Interaction Traits: Polite, mercantile, ruthless   Pledged Resources: Assassins and mercenaries   Rian is a member of the Zhentarim and the Black Network's envoy during the third Council of Waterdeep. She is seated at the table as a special adviser to Lord Neverember, and her affiliation with the Zhentarim will not be mentioned. However, neither she nor Lord Neverember try to deny or conceal that affiliation if the characters question why Rian is present.   The Black Network backs any plans that increase the likelihood of defeating the cult. Any and all alliances are fine, as are any outcomes that add to the council's strategic resources. Rian doesn't have any particular interest in morality, and dark acts have no impact on her attitude toward the party. She disapproves of taking any wyrmspeakers alive, though, fearing the power of such dangerous figures and questioning the chance of success for attempts to turn or interrogate them. She favors discreet execution, interrogation of the corpse with appropriate rituals, and destruction of the body to prevent resurrection.   The Black Network remains uncommitted until the final council when pledges are made. If the party has earned the Zhentarim's respect, they provide their services at only a nominal cost. However, such action almost certainly alienates most of the other factions from the adventurers. Unlike the other factions, the Zhentarim's loyalty can be purchased regardless of their respect for the characters, if the party can negotiate terms to be paid by the other factions.

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