Menzoberranzan, City of Spiders Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Menzoberranzan, City of Spiders

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(Upper Northdark)   MenzoberranzanMenzoberranzan is the archetypal drow city, divided by a number of noble houses and ruled by priestesses of Lolth. Betrayal and assassination are a way of life here, and a cruel and suspicious nature is a sign of good breeding.   Menzoberranzan (metropolis): Magical; AL CE; 100,000 gp limit; Assets 159,495,000 gp; Population 11,439 free; Isolated (drow 98%, human 1%; ore 1% 20,460 slaves (goblin 17%, grimlock 17%, kobold 15'%, orc 13%, quaggoth 9%, bugbear 7%, human 7%, ogre 4%, svirfneblin 4%, minotaur 3%, troll 2%, gloaming 1%, tiefling 1%).   Authority Figures: Triel Baenre (CE female drow cleric 20 of Lolth), Matron of House Baenre; Mez'Barris Armgo (CE female drow fighter 9/cleric 9 of Lolth), Matron of House Barrison Del'Armgo; Vadalma Tlabbar (CE female drow cleric 9 of Lolth), Matron of House Faen Tlabbar; Zeerith O'Xorlarrin (NE female drow cleric 17 of Lolth), Matron of House Xorlarrin; Miz'ri Mizzrym (CE female drow cleric 13 of Lolth), Matron of House Mizzrym; Byrtyn Fey (CE female drow cleric 12 of Lolth), Matron of House Fey-Branche; Prid'eesoth Tuin, (CE female drow cleric 12 of Lolth), Matron of House Tuin'Tarl. The Ruling Council is normally composed of the leading eight Houses, but House Agrach Dyrr's treachery (see below) has recently left a spot open on the Council.   Important Characters: Gromph Baenre (NE male drow diviner 16/archmage 4), Archmage of Menzoberranzan, currently missing; Jarlaxle (NE male drow fighter 18), leader of the mercenary band Bregan D'Aerthe; Dyrr the Lichdrow (NE male drow lich sorcerer 20/wizard 3/cleric 1 of Velsharoon), the real power behind House Agrach Dyrr and the author of the House's treachery.   Menzoberranzan has the dubious distinction of being one of the few drow cities located in the Upperdark. It lies about 2 miles under the Surbrin Vale, between the Moonwood and the Frost Hills. The city occupies an irregularly shaped cavern more than 2 miles wide at its widest point. The ceiling is 1,000 feet high, and stalactites, stalagmites, and columns litter the cavern. All of them have been worked or shaped, and the continuous effect across the entire cavern can be mesmerizing to the uninitiated. Some of the larger stalagmites have been converted to castles and homes for drow noble Houses. These sparkle with permanent faerie fire effects, creating a soft, multicolored glow that suffuses the cavern.   Slavery is legal and socially favored in Menzoberranzan, and it permeates every district of the city. The variety of slaves is astonishing. It is not legal to enslave other Menzoberranyr drow, but indentured servitude is practiced with gleeful malice.   Visiting Menzoberranzan The drow of Menzoberranzan are universally hated and feared throughout the Northdark, and they in turn regard their neighbors with condescension and hungry ambition. Their merchant system, however, is the one of the best in the Underdark. Other cities have better markets, and some have more valuables, but in terms of total gold, no other settlement in the Northdark can match the mercantile might of the City of Spiders.   This focus on commercial gain means that Menzoberranzan is open (if not terribly hospitable) to anyone who wants to buy or sell. Non-drow of all races, faiths, and outlooks come here. The city caters to these foreign merchants as much as necessary to get their money, but no further. Anyone who sets foot in the city is fair game for the warring noble Houses, and visitors often become pawns in their schemes for power. Many visitors act as fulcrums for various drow plans without ever knowing how or why. In addition to the parade of Material Plane merchants and buyers, demons and devils regularly enter the Bazaar district with plane shift to buy and sell favors.   The area around Menzoberranzan is thickly laced with faerzress, which makes teleportation difficult at best and lethal at worst. Merchants with lots of cargo must either bring it down from the surface in caravans (a two-week round trip, assuming they aren't waylaid) or bring it in through a nearby portal.   Brief History Menzoberra the Kinless, a powerful priestess of Lolth, founded the city that bears her name in -3917 DR. At the behest of the Spider Queen, she led seven drow families into the Northdark from the southerly drow holdings of Great Bhaerynden. Without an immediate external enemy, the families fell to attacking and undermining one another, to the greater glory of their goddess. In -3864 DR, only fifty years after the city's founding, a terrible battle between House Nasadra and House S'sril led to the exile of the former (which later founded the city of Ched Nasad) and the rise of House Baenre as the First House of Menzoberranzan.   The city's internal machinations have continued unabated for millennia. Houses that grow weak are destroyed, and new ones rise up to find favor in Lolth's many eyes. Their full history would constitute a nearly endless logbook of treachery, spite, and naked ambition. Within the last century, this pattern has seemingly accelerated; House Do'Urden ascended to Ninth House of Menzoberranzan with meteoric swiftness, destroyed the Fourth House (DeVir) and seemed destined for greatness, only to falter in a series of disasters leading to the destruction of the House. In 1359 DR, House Oblodra, Third House of the city, was destroyed by an apparent manifestation of Lolth's own wrath, and again the ranks of the ruling Houses changed.   Even worse, Menzoberranzan recently tasted its first defeat on the battlefield in centuries uncounted when the dark elves attack on Mithral Hall was thrown back with great loss, and House Baenre lost its Matron Mother. Matron Baenre had governed Menzoberranzan with such cruel subtlety and perfect evil for so long that House Baenre's preeminence had seemed completely insurmountable. When her eldest daughter Triel became the mistress of House Baenre, this situation changed.   Triel Baenre is clever and completely devoted to Lolth, but she lacks the utter confidence, resolve, and strength that her mother possessed. In a gamble to secure her support in the Cduncil and erase the stain of failure attached to House Baenre because of the disaster at Mithral Hall, Triel directed a murderous riposte at the deep gnome city of Blingdenstone in 1371 DR. At her command, hundreds of priestesses and wizards summoned demons and hurled them at the svirfneblin town. Blingdenstone was erased; and Triel won the grudging approval of the other great Houses.   But Menzoberranzan did not enjoy its triumph for long. In the waning months of the Year of Wild Magic, Lolth inexplicably fell silent. Denied their spells, the Spider Queen's priestesses concealed their weakness for as long as they could, but within a few tendays their lack of magic became plain for all to see. As the tendays lengthened into months and Lolth's favor did not return, the enemies of Menzoberranzan began to move against the city. First, the city's enemies hatched a plot to sponsor a slave uprising, which came far closer to succeeding than any drow would have believed possible beforehand. And then, hard on the heels of the uprising, the duergar of Gracklstugh decided to march on the city.   Still powerless, the Matron Mothers elected to dispatch an army to meet the duergar advance, planning to hold the gray dwarves at a difficult pass known as the Pillars of Woe. Yet here, too, the army of Menzoberranzan was defeated. House Agrach Dyrr had been secretly turned by the enemies of the city, and its soldiers abandoned a key position in the face of the duergar advance. Worse yet, the tanarukks of Kaanyr Vhok's Scoured Legion also appeared on the field. The Menzoberranyr found themselves ambushed at the Pillars of Woe, and their army was driven back in disarray.   At present, Menzoberranzan is under siege. The army of Gracklstugh and the half-demons of Kaanyr Vhok invest the city, and Agrach Dyrr holds out within its walls. The enemies of Menzoberranzan have joined forces, and the City of the Spider Queen stands in dire peril.   Important Sites Despite the recent slave uprising and the defeat of Menzoberranzan's army, the City of Spiders is as yet unbroken by its foes, and the drow continue their affairs as best they can in the face of the threat. A rough overview of the city cavern includes the following.   City Districts Menzoberranzan contains several distinct districts. Business takes individuals of all kinds to different districts, but hanging around in the wrong district can lead to unfortunate cuts and bruises.   Donigarten: This area supplies much of the city's food. The center of Donigarten is a small, deep lake of the same name whose shores are surrounded by slave-tended fungi farms. The lake is stocked with eels and fish, and deep rothé are kept on an island in the middle. The district isn't exactly off limits, but the guards here pay very close attention to what goes on, especially since the uprising. Braeryn: This would be considered the "rough" part of town in a surface city, home to out-of-favor drow and low-class members of other races. Poor craftsfolk, laborers, peddlers, and rogues of all description crowd the tenements and stinking taphouses of this district. Eastmyr: Drow commoners, mercenaries, and lesser merchants live here. The noble Houses are heavily engaged in many of the businesses in this district, and Eastmyr regularly falls in and out of favor as a bolt-hole or springboard for various schemes. Duthcloim: Common drow with money and connections live here, alongside important non-drow merchants. The Bazaar: This area is where the city's open trading occurs. Members of nearly every race on Faerûn pass through here as either traders or slaves. Any item or service with any value at all can be bought, sold, or at least arranged for here. Visiting merchants know that trading with drow can be as dangerous as fighting them. West Wall: Older noble Houses occupy this area. The schemes of these Houses are so subtle that they can rarely be traced back here, and the area is slightly quieter than the low murmur in the rest of the cavern. Narbondellyn: Newer, brasher noble Houses burning for power line the wall beneath the Qu'ellarz'orl plateau. The riskiest gambits come from these Houses, who claim to want nothing other than to serve their goddess by killing their superiors. Ou'ellarz'orl: This raised plateau on the southern end of the cavern known as The Place of Nobles. A forest of giant mushrooms hides activities on this plateau from the lower parts of the city. The Houses of the Qu'ellarz'orl are the oldest and wealthiest of the city. Baenre Plateau: The highest point in the city, situated above and behind Qijellarz'orl, this plateau is home to House Baenre. Overlooking the city, House Baenre rules with unmatched political finesse. Once Baenre was strong enough to fight any three lesser Houses and win, but the death of the old Matron Baenre has left the House more vulnerable than it has been in many centuries. For the first time in living memory, the Matron of House Baenre cannot simply govern Menzoberranzan by personal fiat. Tier Breche This academy sits proudly above the floor of the city in a side cavern. All nobleborn drow, and many non-nobles who show exceptional promise, spend many long years studying here before returning to their Houses. Tier Breche consists of three separate schools: Melee-Magthere, the school of combat; Sorcere, the school of wizardry; and Arach-Tinilith, the school of clerical magic. The current mistress of Arach-Tinilith is Quenthel Baenre, and Gromph Baenre, as Archmage, heads Sorcere.   Narbondel This thick column of stone near the center of the cavern is a major landmark in the city and the only bit of stone that remains in its natural form. The column is a fixture of daily life. To mark the end of an old day and the beginning of a new, the Archmage lights up the stone with creeping fire from bottom to top. This ritual is the closest thing Menzoberranzan citizens have to a clock   Surrounding Area Menzoberranzan's location places it near several areas of interest, but the two described below are the most famous.   The Dark Dominion The tunnels in a 5-mile radius around Menzoberranzan are known as the Dark Dominion. Drow patrols wander the area constantly, but nearly any creatures are allowed in, even wandering monsters. The patrols might or might not challenge creatures found in the Dark Dominion, depending on their whim. Patrols are less likely to hassle caravans and much more likely to challenge anyone who even looks like a surface elf.   More than a hundred known tunnels link the Dark Dominion with the surface. The most famous is a long but fairly safe route up to Mithral Hall in the Silver Marches, which goes right past the front door of Blingdenstone. Another, on the western end of the High Forest, is a continual bane for the rangers and treants of that wood.   Dead Dragon Gorge Because of faerzress, anyone who wants to teleport to the city usually aims for Dead Dragon Gorge, a large, faerzress-free chasm about six days' travel from Menzoberranzan on foot. Numerous tunnels connect this gorge to the Underdark, and a nearby waterfall provides free water for all.   Several portals lead away from this cavern. One two-way keyed portal leads to the Old Monster Shop in Waterdeep, which is overseen by its proprietor, Feldyn Goadolfyn (N male human Rogue 8). Another allows passage to and from a marketplace in Skuld, the capital city of Mulhorand. The Menzoberranyr appear to pay little attention to traffic through the gorge, but in reality, several noble Houses and merchant companies maintain permanent scry sensors there. The drow always know who is coming to visit long before the visitors arrive.

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