Mantol-Derith Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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Mantol-Derith has endured for centuries as a neutral outpost where drow. ducrgar. svirfneblin, and surface dwellers can meet and trade without fearing for their lives. Despite its usefulness and the safety it enjoys. Mantol-Derith has never become a proper town. Those who maintain it as a trade hub have resisted any urge for expansion, apart from installing basic infrastructure to assist with commercial activities. The Zhentarim took over the holdings where surface dwellers conducted business and quickly cornered the market for surface goods, gaining the organization a foothold in the Underdark. This presence grew into a power base that serves the Black Network well, and which is now being made available to the characters.   REACHING MANTOL-DERITH If the characters reached an agreement with Davra Jassur in chapter 8. they can travel to Mantol-Derith along one of the many routes the Zhentarim use to move merchandise to the trade hub from the surface world. The Black Network doesn’t reveal the shortest route for security reasons. Instead, its representatives lead the adventurers to a remote cave in the Surbrin Hills, about 180 miles east of Gauntlgrym. Black Network sentries (six human veterans) guard the cave, which leads to a series of tunnels. These tunnels descend sharply as they wind their way east for another 200 miles. Check for random encounters as the party’s expedition makes its way to Mantol-Derith, using the tables in chapter 2.   Mantol-Derith abuts the Darklake and is roughly six days' travel from Blingdenstone and Menzoberranzan, and 22 days from Gracklstugh via the Darklake locks (see the overview map of the Underdark in chapter 2). Characters accompanied by Zhentarim guides approach Mantol-Derith via a subterranean rift. A narrow trail winds up the side of the rift, ending at a secret door in the northwest corner of the trade hub (area la). MANTOL-DERITH Population: Approximately 140 (drow, duergar. humans, and svirfneblin) Government: Informal council comprised of four chief negotiators (one per enclave), recently dissolved Defense: Private guards Commerce: Rare and exotic goods; see each enclave for information on the goods traded by the duergar, the drow. the svirfneblin, and the Zhentarim Organizations: The drow, duergar. svirfneblin, and Zhentarim enclaves Thousands of years' worth of trickling water carved out the cavern where the drow. the duergar. and the svirfneblin established Mantol-Derith. Four warehouses have been excavated at the corners of the cavern, each controlled by an enclave and containing offices and temporary lodgings for its merchants. The location of Mantol-Derith is a well-guarded secret, and the influence and power merchants gain from access to it isn’t something they want to share. Normally, life in Mantol-Derith is regulated by three simple covenants: no stealing of goods from fellow merchants, no disguising of goods by any means, and no use of magic during negotiations and haggling. The punishment for breaking any covenant is equally straightforward: the violator is wrapped in chains and tossed into the Darklake Recent events in Mantol Derith have rendered these rules moot.   adventure. MANTOL-DERITH NPCS Sladis Vadir High elf druid of the Emerald Enclave Rystia Zav Human spy for the Harpers Peebles Svirfneblin spy working for Xazax the Eyemonger Zilchyn Q’Leptin Drow mage and kleptomaniac Yantha Coaxrock Svirfneblin mage and leader of the Stoneheart Enclave Flink Thunderbonk Yantha's svirfneblin apprentice Cabbie Dripskillet Svirfneblin chief negotiator Ghufdur Flagonfist Duergar and chief negotiator from Gracklstugh Sirak Mazelor Drow and chief negotiator from Menzoberranzan Kinyel Druu'giir Drow assassin GHazrim DuLoc The characters' contact and chief negotiator of the Zhentarim Lorthuun Maimed beholder   ZHENTARIM SECRET DOOR The password to open this secret door is “eyebite." The tunnel leading away from Mantol-Derith winds steadily upward, and branches leading to other areas of the Underdark have been sealed off with wall of stone spells, leaving a single navigable passage. This passage is clear of monsters, but the Zhents have installed trip wires and pressure plates at irregular intervals. These are triggering mechanisms for collapsing roofs, poison darts, and rolling spheres (sec “Sample Traps" in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). The passage ends at a dungeon complex under a ruined watchtower overlooking the Surbrin River, north of the Evermoors. The Zhcntarim have guards stationed throughout the dungeon to keep surface dwellers from finding their way to Mantol-Derith via this route. If the characters find this secret door and use it to make their way back to the surface world, design and populate the Zhentarim dungeon as you see fit.

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