Lorosfyr Geographic Location in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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Lorosfyr, the Mc addening Dark (Lower Deep Wastes)   Beneath the Tortured Lands east of Anauroch lies the abyss known as Lorosfyr. Winding for nearly 90 miles from east to west and averaging 10 miles in width, this tremendous void is rumored to be almost 40 miles deep in places. Bitterly cold and unnaturally still, Lorosfyr's depths have never been plumbed by even the boldest of adventurers because some unknown madness stalks through its chill space. Whispers of horror gather in the ears of those who walk too long in Lorosfyr's horrible silence.   A well-made road circles the abyss on its western side, winding along a thousand feet below the ceiling. This thoroughfare is wide and sturdy, punctuated at odd intervals by cyclopean staircases that zigzag down into the dark along the walls of the abyss. Some ancient people delved skillfully and boldly here, but no one knows who or what they might have been, and no other signs of their civilization remain.   Although Lorosfyr is linked to the cavern system of the Buried Realms, it actually lies outside the Sharnwall and is not a part of the phaerimms' realm.

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