LoobliShar Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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LoobliShar, City of Welcome Darkness (Middle Darklands)   The citizens of this kuo-toan city have turned away from Blibdoolpoolp to worship Shar. Light is never allowed in this half- submerged town, and visitors must accept that they can see no farther than their darkvision allows. Anyone without darkvision, blindsight, or some compensating sensory organs is not only blind, but also prey.   LoobliShar (small town): Magical; AL LE; 800 gp limit; Assets 74,960 gp; Population 1,974; Isolated (kuo-toa 97%, mind flayer 2%, drow 1%).   Authority Figure: Illiboolop (NE female kuo-toa cleric 15/hierophant 2 of Shar), High Nightmistress of Shar and leading cleric of the city.   Important Characters: Kerl Ooil (CE male kuo-toa rogue 14), spymaster of LoobliShar; Vrushnom (LE mind flayer psion 9/cleric 4 of Shar), a worshiper of Shar who also spies on the city for Oryndoll; Xothed Trizz'Lorllin (CE male drow wizard 11/shadow adept 6), foremost wizard and Shadow Weave user of the city.   Buried about 9 miles beneath the southern end of the Lake of the Long Arm, LoobliShar is a clearinghouse for secrets. Sharran dogma states that the dark is a time to act, not wait. Thus, in their eternal darkness, the kuo-toas of LoobliShar constantly gather secrets, schemes, and plots the way svirfneblin miners gather gemstones.   The city crawls with activity at all times, and splashes reverberate through the darkness as the kuo-toas move secrets around Faerûn, LoobliShar is split into two levels - an upper level that consists of mud-brick buildings on top of terrace-like cliffs rising from great, dark lake, and a lower level that consists of partially submerged caves at the waterline and below, Ladders made from knotted, braided kelp run up the sides of the cliffs, but these are generally used only for going up. The kuo-toas dive into the cold, black water to reach the lower portion of the city.   LoobliShar's secret lies in the existence of many portals to the surface world, most of which were constructed by some long-departed denizens of the cavern before the kuo-toas first settled here. These portals, hidden in the darkest tunnels and passages of the lower city, open only when propitiated with ancient, sinister prayers to Shar. Four of them open into surface waters in various parts of the Sea of Fallen Stars, one into the Moonsea, five along the Sword Coast, two into the Lake of Steam, one into the Shining Sea, and one into the Great Sea near Halruaa. No single resident of LoobliShar knows the location or necessary prayers to open all fourteen.   The kuo-toas traffic with Shar worshipers on the surface, trading secrets by night and passing small, valuable objects or people across the continent in a matter of hours. If bad news travels fast, it is partially because of the kuo-toas' vigilance in service to their goddess. Because of this, LoobliShar has become a haven for spies of several races, including drow, mind flayers, and the occasional human Sharran.   Trade caravans and war parties often stop here because LoobliShar is the best source of potable water for dozens of miles around. The city hosts many guests from the Lowerdark and Middledark, and anyone is welcome to visit the Great Wells and draw as much water as they like. This traffic makes it an easy task for the kuo-toas to collect secrets and pass them to other Sharrans on the surface.   Though they have changed deities, these kuo-toas are no less religious than their cousins who worship the Sea Mother. At the daily ceremonies, which are held in an amphitheater down near the water, the faithful and the curious gather to trade secrets and weave plots for the downfall of good in the world. Shar-worshiping kuo-toa clerics aren't called whips, but they retain the lightning bolt ability of their more orthodox kin.   Looblishar's defense is assured through judicious blackmail. The kuo-toas maintain a small company of guards to keep unthinking menaces such as purple worms, undead, and oozes at bay. Slaves die so quickly here that attempting to maintain a large population of them is counterproductive. The complete absence of light and hope is so crushing that only a being sustained by the worship of the Dark Goddess can survive long here.   Brief History In 531 DR, a tribe of kuo-toas discovered the power of the Shadow Weave. In pursuits of Shar, they left their city in the Upperdark and followed trickles of water down into strange and rarely traveled places in the southern Darklands, searching for the blackest darkness possible. Guided by Shar's whispers, the kuo-toas discovered a long-abandoned city built around a nexus of portals leading to all corners of Faerûn.   The kuo-toas named their new city LoobliShar, meaning "forsaken for Shar," and proceeded to carve themselves a niche amid the illithids, aboleths, oozes, and other shadow creatures that lived in the vicinity. For 300 years, they battled other creatures constantly in an effort to establish themselves as masters of their new home. Eventually, they amassed enough magical secrets and hidden lore to keep their enemies at arm's length.

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