Llurth Dreir Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Llurth Dreir

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Llurth Dreir, the Accursed City (Middle Great Bhaerynden)   Nearly 10 miles beneath the grasslands of the Shaar and far to the west of the Great Rift lies a cluster of vast, shallow caverns. Carved in eons past by a great subterranean lake fed by a nutrient-rich river that winds its way down from the surface, the caverns' water level has gradually subsided over the millennia, leaving behind a much smaller body of water encircled by huge, sprawling, fertile mud flats.   Llurth Dreir is a dismal and horrible place that lacks the culture and narcissistic confidence of most other drow cities. Centuries ago the Dreiryn offended Lolth in some way, and the Spider Queen turned her back on the city. The ensuing House feuds still rage today, unchecked by any sense of propriety or reverence. The various Houses have turned to other gods, including Vhaeraun, Kiaransalee, and even Eilistraee - but the deity who claimed the loyalty of most Dreiryn was the awful abomination known as Ghaunadaur. When a monstrous avatar of That Which Lurks arose from the depths of Llurthogl, many Houses chose to venerate the manifested god, hoping (mostly in vain) for the power to destroy their foes.   Llurth Dreir was a large and powerful city when Lolth abandoned it. Its three great vaults are still home to almost 60,000 drow and more than 100,000 wretched and miserable slaves. The dark elves pay no attention to their thralls, who must fend for themselves as best they can while their masters remain secure within their black towers. The drow Houses are in the habit of simply mounting raids into the fields of enemy Houses in order to seize food, slaves, and sacrifices to Ghaunadaur, while extending a modicum of protection to any wretches who pay them tribute.   If Llurth Dreir were closer to any rival cities or civilizations of any size, the place would likely have been destroyed hundreds of years ago. However, Llurthogl lies in a relatively remote part of the Underdark, and no hostile realm is close enough to seriously contemplate sacking the city. In truth, Llurth Dreir may no longer be worth the taking. The towers of the dark elves hold some amount of wealth, but beyond their walls the rest of the Accursed City lives in absolute squalor. And no attacking army would care to face That Which Lurks, if it rose to defend its followers

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