Knights in Silver Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Knights in Silver

By Moon and by Star, by the Bridge Unseen, and by the Lady's Silver Tresses.
    Base of operations Silverymoon, Silver Marches   Leader(s) Sernius Alathar in 1372 DR   Membership 700 (1484), 450 (1493)   Common Descriptors: Noble, virtuous, martial   Primary Classes: Fighter, paladin, cleric   Alignments: NG (primary), LG, LN, CG, N   Relationships   Allegiances The Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet   Enemies Orcs  

Members of the Knights in Silver

  The Knights in Silver were the army of Silverymoon and it was their duty to patrol and defend the city against orcs and other dangers.    


  The Knights in Silver were led by Besnell of Silverymoon, an elven fighter up until his death in the war between Mithral Hall and Menzoberranzan. After the war was won he was replaced by his second in command Terrien Doucard, a half-elf soldier from Silverymoon.[5] Later, Terrien led Stumpet Rakingclaw, the dwarven high priestess of Mithral Hall to save the injured Lady Alustriel higher up on the slopes of Keeper’s Dale. In 1372 DR, the commander of the Knights in Silver was Sernius Alathar.  


A dozen Knights in Silver guarded Hawk’s Nest, the watchtower near the top of Silverymoon Pass during the months when the road from Silverymoon to Sundabar was in heavy use protecting the road’s traffic from monsters and bandits.  


  They were aided by many wizards and contingents of Harper agents.  


  There were two ways of becoming a Knight in Silver: volunteering, or receiving a commission from the High Mage. The former was by far the more common method. When volunteering for duty an aspirant presented themselves to the Recruiting Master Mazillor Shatterstave in the city of Silverymoon. Master Shatterstave received applicants only once a month, so if an aspirant missed the recruiting period they must wait til the next month to apply again.   The Knights in Silver were the army of Silverymoon and it was their duty to patrol and defend the city against orcs and other dangers. The Knights in Silver were led by Besnell of Silverymoon, an elven fighter up until his death in the war between Mithral Hall and Menzoberranzan.[4] After the war was won he was replaced by his second in command Terrien Doucard, a half-elf soldier from Silverymoon.   Later, Terrien led Stumpet Rakingclaw, the dwarven high priestess of Mithral Hall to save the injured Lady Alustriel higher up on the slopes of Keeper’s Dale. In 1372 DR, the commander of the Knights in Silver was Sernius Alathar.  


  A dozen Knights in Silver guarded Hawk’s Nest, the watchtower near the top of Silverymoon Pass during the months when the road from Silverymoon to Sundabar was in heavy use protecting the road’s traffic from monsters and bandits.   They were aided by many wizards and contingents of Harper agents and supporters of Order of the Gauntlet.   There were two ways of becoming a Knight in Silver: volunteering, or receiving a commission from the High Mage. The former was by far the more common method. When volunteering for duty an aspirant presented themselves to the Recruiting Master Mazillor Shatterstave in the city of Silverymoon. Master Shatterstave received applicants only once a month, so if an aspirant missed the recruiting period they must wait til the next month to apply again.            


  • Squire: Rank 1. You have been accepted as a squire by one of the Knights in Silver, who has taken responsibility for training you in the chivalric ways of the order and its traditions.   • Knight: Rank 3. You have completed your squire’s training, and given your spurs and everbright treated armor. You are gifted with the benefits of a full knight, but also the burdens of its responsibilities.   • Commander: Rank 10. You are the Commander of the Knights in Silver, responsible for the operation of the order and the defense of Silverymoon. You answer to Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon, and are part of her Council.  
“By Moon and by Star, by the Bridge Unseen, and by the Lady’s Silver Tresses.”
  The Knights in Silver are the permanent guardians of Silverymoon, often encountered riding patrol within the city and its environs. Around seven hundred strong, they received their name from a ballad penned by Mintiper Moonsilver – as with many phrases around the Realms first spoken by the Lunargent Bard, the name simply “seemed right.”  


  The Knights in Silver are known for their sparkling armor, firm discipline on and off the field of battle, and their poise and decorum. The Knights in Silver are practically a fairy- tale army, with their reputation for being dashing, chivalrous men and witty, beautiful women. Though certain individuals do not always uphold this lofty reputation, as a whole the Knights take pride in it and there is strong pressure from within the ranks to maintain this image.  

Goals and Philosophy

  The Knights in Silver take their reputation as «fairy tale» knights very seriously. The highest mode of chivalric thought is their ideal, with the bringing of defense of the defenseless, joy to the melancholy, hope to the hopeless, and freedom to the enslaved as their highest calling. They are charged to be compassionate and valorous, scrupulous and honest, virtuous and good. Of course, not every knight can measure up to these ideals, but as a body, the knights encourage and assist their own in achieving that, and scrupulously police their own who fall short — or who fly in the face of their philosophy.   Knights in Silver are expected, above all things, to do the following:   • To preserve Silverymoon’s safety, and to sanctify its way of life.   • To defend, uphold, and spread the virtues of freedom, joy, wonder, and love.   • To stop threats to civilization and preserve art and culture.  


  The Knights in Silver are questing knights as well as military knights, so they may be given specific missions in addition to their standard military service.   Quests undertaken by Knights in Silver might include the following:   • To ride patrol with other Knights in Silver.   • To seek out and slay an enemy of Silverymoon, or rescue goodly folk from such.   • To act as a guardian for a valued ally of Lady Alustriel, or to act as her representative.  


  Knights in Silver in good standing might receive the following benefits:   • Barracks Access: Rank 1+. A Knight in Silver dwelling in Silverymoon may use the barracks of the Knights in Silver for his lifestyle. Though this is a Poor Lifestyle for squires and a Modest Lifestyle for knights, it is provided to knights at no cost.   • Mentor Knight: Rank 1-2. Squires of the order are assigned to a knight who acts as their mentor, teaching them the ways of the order and its tradition, and educating them in fighting skills. They also receive a riding horse, a longsword, and a chain shirt.   • The Silver Anointing: Rank 3+. The squire becomes a knight and receives the Silver Anointing from Lady Alustriel herself. The character is acknowledged as a full knight of the order. They receive their «spurs and plate» — a suit of either half plate or plate (treated with everbright as part of its construction) and a warhorse with a set of chain barding. It also comes with a set of symbolic spurs that mark the new knight.   • Recruiting Commander (Title): Rank 7+. x      

Important Members

  xxx       Barastir, the Knights In Silver and the Spellguard are the elite "heavy hitters" of Silverymoon's defenders and expeditionary forces; the daily guards (of gates, walls, civic building entrances) and street police are in addition to the Knights, and beneath them in rank (not formally, but in terms of authority; any of the Silverwatch or the Moon Garrison who are given an order by a Knight or a member of the Spellguard will obey it unhesitatingly). However, the Knights in Silver can and do "muck in" on mundane guarding work, on a regular rota; they're not haughty sorts. They do provide the fast cavalry, and patrol Everlund and the environs of Silverymoon on horseback regularly. Джерело: <> There's also the High Guard, a force of 75 veterans stationed in the two northern towers of the High Palace. Otherwise the Knights and the Spellguard are the only official defenders of Silverymoon. Джерело: <> The only mention of Silverymoon is that Aleina Brightlance has the title of "Emissary of Silverymoon and Everlund" and hangs out with Drizzt and company for a bit in the early part of the novel before apparently returning to Silverymoon. Джерело: <http://for   Exact date for Lorgru (the current orc king (aka 'Obould') and his verbal treaty wasn't given. But it was roughly around the summer/fall of 1485, before the Council of Dwarven Kings in Felbarr. According to Archmage, Bruenor was still recruiting for the dwarven march to Gauntylgrym in the winter of 1485. Queen Dagnabbit was formally crowned ruler of Mithril Hall in the 2nd month of 1486 while the Council of Dwarven Kings met in Felbarr. The march to Gauntylgrym was fairly long and slow, with several stops (Mirabar, Longsaddle, then they moved over to Neverwinter, departing Longsaddle in midwinter). They arrived at Neverwinter "on the last day of Eleasis in the Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls" (aka 1486). They then marched back to Gauntylgrym and took the upper halls. That seems to be right about where Out of The Abyss is set as well, as part of that adventure is making your way up to where the dwarves have reclaimed part of Gauntylgrym. The epilogue of Archmage happens on the 15th day of Nightal, 1486.>  

Fall of Thultanthar in 1487

    The Knights in Silver are the permanent guardians of Silverymoon, often encountered riding patrol within the city and its environs. Around seven hundred strong, they received their name from a ballad penned by Mintiper Moonsilver – as with many phrases around the Realms first spoken by the Lunargent Bard, the name simply “seemed right.”  


  The Knights in Silver are known for their sparkling armor, firm discipline on and off the field of battle, and their poise and decorum. The Knights in Silver are practically a fairy- tale army, with their reputation for being dashing, chivalrous men and witty, beautiful women. Though certain individuals do not always uphold this lofty reputation, as a whole the Knights take pride in it and there is strong pressure from within the ranks to maintain this image.  

Goals and Philosophy

  The Knights in Silver take their reputation as "fairy tale" knights very seriously. The highest mode of chivalric thought is their ideal, with the bringing of defense of the defenseless, joy to the melancholy, hope to the hopeless, and freedom to the enslaved as their highest calling. They are charged to be compassionate and valorous, scrupulous and honest, virtuous and good. Of course, not every knight can measure up to these ideals, but as a body, the knights encourage and assist their own in achieving that, and scrupulously police their own who fall short - or who fly in the face of their philosophy.   Knights in Silver are expected, above all things, to do the following:   To preserve Silverymoon's safety, and to sanctify its way of life.   To defend, uphold, and spread the virtues of freedom, joy, wonder, and love.   To stop threats to civilization and preserve art and culture.  


  The Knights in Silver are questing knights as well as military knights, so they may be given specific missions in addition to their standard military service.   Quests undertaken by Knights in Silver might include the following:  
  • To ride patrol with other Knights in Silver.
  • To seek out and slay an enemy of Silverymoon, or rescue goodly folk from such.
  • To act as a guardian for a valued ally of Lady Alustriel, or to act as her representative.
  •   • Squire: Rank 1. You have been accepted as a squire by one of the Knights in Silver, who has taken responsibility for training you in the chivalric ways of the order and its traditions.   • Knight: Rank 3. You have completed your squire's training, and given your spurs and everbright treated armor. You are gifted with the benefits of a full knight, but also the burdens of its responsibilities.   • Commander: Rank 10. You are the Commander of the Knights in Silver, responsible for the operation of the order and the defense of Silverymoon. You answer to Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon, and are part of her Council.     Эта бесстрашная боевая сила получила свое назва¬ние с легкой руки барда Минтипера Серебряного Месяца, который употре¬бил эту фразу в балладе, повествующей о доблести рыцарей, одетых в серебро, и о том, как они столкнулись с превосходящими силами противников, и вышли победителями.   До того как стихи Минти пера стали известными, элитная команда защитников Сильверимуна казалась смехотворно малой и недостаточно обученной военной дисциплине (особенно дварфы из Цитадели Фелбарр). Но теперь Рыцари являются желанными гостями везде, где бы они ни появились, и многие общины полагаются на их помощь в те моменты, когда враги угрожают сокрушить их оборону.   Рыцари в Серебре известны своим благородным поведением, а их невозмутимость в разгаре сраже¬ния просто легендарна. Немало из их число обладают манерами бывалого придворного; множество песен и рассказов, превозносящих их галантность, стали популярными в тавернах и гостиницах Севера. Не менее велико количество сражений, которых они выиграли, и часто против превосходящего чи¬ла противников (по общему признанию часто с по¬мощью Алустриель и других союзников, таких как Магостража и Арфисты). Фактически, Рыцари еще никогда не терпели поражения на поле боя, и такая репутация внушает гордость и доверие к ним.   Если они не принимают участия в активной защите от нападения на Сильверимун и другие союзные города, то Рыцари в Серебре берутся за выполнение различных миссий и заданий, все из которых каким- то образом связаны с защитой их города и родины. Одной из самых обычных их обязанностей является патрулирование сельской местности в радиусе 50 миль от городских стен. Такие патрули обычно сопровождаются заклинателем из городской Магостражи. Рыцари имеют право применять все законные меры Сильверимуна на патрулируемой ими территории, хотя часто им приходится полагаться на свое чувство справедливости в ситуациях, которые специально не предусмотрены в правительственных положениях их города.   Существует два способа стать одним из Рыцарей в Серебре: поступить добровольцем или получить полномочия от Таэрна Хорнблейда. Первый способ наиболее обычен. Чтобы поступить добровольцем к Рыцарям, претендент должен предстать перед **Мастером по Найму** в городе Сильверимуне. Мастер принимает претендентов только раз в месяц, так что если претендент пропустил период вербовки в данном месяце, ему придется дождаться следующего.   Претендент должен соответствовать нескольким крите¬риям, чтобы его кандидатуру рассматривали для принятия в ряды Рыцарей, включая:   опытность в сражениях,   уровень знаний Серебряных Пределов, который удовлетворит Мастера Шаттерстейва, моральные качества (иногда их проверяют при помощи заклинания об-наружение зла).   Кандидаты, не имею большого опыта (например, 1-го уровня), могут присоединиться, если за них поручились члены организации; многие из рыцарей низкого уровня в организации являются вы¬ходцами из Сильверимунцев и надеются приобрести опыт, престиж и авторитет на государственной службе.   Чужеземцы также могут присоединиться к рыцарям со¬гласно тем же самым требова¬ниям. Мастер ХХХХХХХХХХХХ ме¬нее строг к опытным бойцам, которым не хватает знаний о регионе, но он должен убедиться, что каждый такой претендент - мужчина или женщина с добрым сердцем. Все новички начи¬нают как рыцари на поруках, это просто означает, что им не дают никаких команд прежде, чем они не докажут свою состоятельность. Рыцарям на поруках платят 15 золотых в месяц.   Рыцарь командор   Рыцарь - сержант   Рыцарь на поруках   Странствующие рыцари   Опытный воин, следующий приказам в качестве рыцаря на поруках и показывающий какое-либо стремление к лидерству, в общем, быстро продви¬гается. Рыцари-сержанты возглавляют отряды из десяти рыцарей на поруках; наилучшие рыцари возглавляют отряды из пятидесяти или ста рыцарей на поруках. Во главе всех стоят рыцари-командующие; получение этого звания обычно требует нескольких лет выдающегося лидерства в качестве наилучшего рыцаря. Лидерам платят от 30 до 100 золотых в месяц.   Необычное положение занимают странствующие рыцари. Любой странствующий рыцарь не командует отрядами, но не подчиняется никому, кроме Верховнокомандующего Рыцаря Серниуса Алатара, лидера Рыцарей в Серебре. Ожидается, что странствующий рыцарь исполняет любые обязанности, задания и миссии, которые считает важными для безопасности и благополучия Сильверимуна.   Странствующий рыцарь может патрулировать или нести стражу, а может отправиться путешествовать в оди¬ночестве на Мировой Хребет, чтобы выслеживать ле¬дяных великанов.   Много закаленных авантюристов стремятся по¬лучить это звание, так как оно предоставляет им свободу заниматься любым заданием, которое они считают достойным, не отвлекаясь от своих обычных занятий. Другие Рыцари в Сербре должны обра¬титься к Верховнокомандующему Рыцарю Алатару, чтобы освободиться от своих обязанностей и стать странствующими рыцарями. . Странствующим ры¬царям выплачивают пособие от 30 до 150 золотых в месяц, чтобы возместить их расходы.   Новых рыцарей принимают в должность на цере¬монии, в течение которой Верховнокомандующий Рыцарь представляет новых защитников города.   Серниус Алатар Лично вручает новым рыцарям их знак отличия и снаряжение. Верховнокомандующий Рыцарь и Верховный Маг Сильверимуна совместно проводят церемонии представления новых рыцарей-команду- ющих или новых странствующих рыцарей.


    Глава Ордена   Мастер по найму   Рыцарь - командор   Рыцарь - сержант   Рыцарь на поруках   Особый статус: Странствующий рыцарь

    Публичное заявление

    На регулярной основе патрулированием единомоментно занимается около 80-100 рыцарей, которые действуют небольшими отрядами по 5-8 человек в сопровождении заклинателя из Магостражи.


    Численность: 700 в 1484, 450 в 1493 ЛД. Из них: странствующие рыцари - 50.

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